Date of Completion


Embargo Period



Music Notation, Trumpet, Eric Nathan

Major Advisor

Jesus Ramos-Kittrell

Co-Major Advisor

Louis Hanzlik

Associate Advisor

Peter Kaminsky

Field of Study



Doctor of Musical Arts

Open Access

Open Access


The purpose of this thesis is to explore the trumpet works of composer Eric Nathan in terms of their technical and notational elements. This analysis develops an understanding of the musical vocabulary and techniques that will provide insight into the structure, style, and performance of this repertoire and in doing so to discover a historical perspective of the trumpet’s role within solo and chamber music genres in the 21st century. Through this analysis, I suggest that Nathan's music pushed the technical, and therefore expressive boundaries of the instrument. While not exhaustive, the analysis of Cantus, Four Sculptures, and Toying will provide a good representative sample of Nathan's compositional approach towards music for trumpet. Developments in new music notation through the twentieth century will be examined along with a survey of how these developments are reflected in literature for the trumpet. Ultimately, this thesis considers how the convergence of notation and literature was key for the trumpet to secure a position as a solo instrument within the scope of western music practices. Nathan's music is the lens to undertake this exploration.
