"Retaining Principals Where They’re Needed the Most: A Narrative Study " by Michael LItke

Date of Completion


Embargo Period



principal turnover, job demands-resources model, turnover intention

Major Advisor

Dr. Casey Cobb

Associate Advisor

Dr. Jennie Weiner

Associate Advisor

Dr. Morgaen Donaldson

Field of Study

Educational Leadership (Ed.D.)


Doctor of Education

Open Access

Open Access


This capstone reports the findings of a narrative study examining principal turnover in priority schools/districts and the conditions that influence turnover intention. The purpose of the study was to identify factors influencing principals’ turnover intention and conditions that improve retention of quality principals. Qualitative data were collected from a sample of seven principals, each with experience working in priority schools/districts and four related central office administrators. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in person with sitting principals and central office administration. Interview questions explored participant’s career path, factors influencing job choices, as well as the conditions most valued at the school, community and district level. Additional documentation was gathered including district salaries, performance benchmarks, resource allocation and demographics. Results identified several themes among participating principals related to turnover intention, including a shared sense of social justice, the desire to work in and ability to lead a supportive and collaborative culture and the importance of district stability.
