"From the Science of Nanorod Growth to Low Temperature Metallic Attachm" by Paul R. Elliott

Date of Completion


Embargo Period



Nanorods, Physical Vapor Deposition, Metallic Glue, MesoGlue, Low Temperature Metallic Bonding, Nanorod Morphology Control

Major Advisor

Hanchen Huang

Associate Advisor

Stephen Stagon

Associate Advisor

Michael Pettes

Associate Advisor

Tai-Hsi Fan

Field of Study

Mechanical Engineering


Doctor of Philosophy

Open Access

Open Access


To move nanotechnology out of the lab and into common use requires understanding and experience of the structures and processes involved. The technological maturity allowing the widespread use of nanotechnology is practically nonexistent outside of the integrated circuit industry. This work provides a synergy of the science of nanorod growth and the technology of metallic glue in ambient. Starting from the science, this thesis presents the design and control of the structure and morphology of nanorods grown by physical vapor deposition. We demonstrate the use of deposited seeds as a method to control the diameter and spacing of surface grown nanorods. These seeds are made of low melting temperature metals that form nonwetting clusters on a substrate. Materials In, Sn, and Ga are used and demonstrated to be effective. The diameter and spacing of nanorods made of the materials Ag and Cu are controlled by use of these seeds. We also demonstrate the capping of nanorods produced by physical vapor deposition with a second step also conducted with PVD. The caps demonstrated are made of metals and metal oxides. The primary application of the metal oxide shells is longer survivability of sensing substrates in Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. Metal shells on metal nanorods offer improvements in room temperature metallic sealing. Additionally, we introduce our developing technology of metallic sealing using non-vacuum processes. The advance of metallic glue offers enhancements in computing as it can be used to allow processors to run cooler, and provides a room temperature alternative to soldering, among many others. Through this work we build and expand upon the understanding of nanorod growth to produce a technology that may have a widespread impact.
