"Three Essays on the Financial Impacts of Branding and Alliance Strateg" by Hang Nguyen

Date of Completion


Embargo Period



brand alliance, strategic alliance, branding strategies, brand equity, firm value

Major Advisor

William T. Ross, Jr.

Associate Advisor

Robin A. Coulter

Associate Advisor

Joseph H. Golec

Associate Advisor

Joseph Pancras

Field of Study

Business Administration


Doctor of Philosophy

Open Access

Campus Access


Brands and alliances reflect bonds between the firm and its customers and channels, and have been considered important marketing assets (Srivastava, Shevani and Fahey 1998). However, little is known about how these relational assets can be leveraged through creative marketing strategies to create value for firms. My dissertation examines the financial impacts of brand and alliance strategies. Three essays address various aspects of how brands and alliances simultaneously and separately contribute to firm value. The first essay investigates the financial impact of brand alliances, a strategy that combines the two types of marketing assets. The second essay quantifies the financial impact of brand assets which reside in consumers’ mind and heart. The third essay explores how strategic alliances create value for firms in business acquisitions.
