Date of Completion


Embargo Period



Yoga, ADHD, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, School, School-based, Attention, On-task behavior

Major Advisor

Dr. Thomas J. Kehle

Associate Advisor

Dr. Melissa A. Bray

Associate Advisor

Dr. Natalie G. Olinghouse

Field of Study

Educational Psychology


Doctor of Philosophy

Open Access

Open Access


ADHD impacts approximately 5% of children and has substantial negative effects on school behaviors, particularly with regard to attention. A number of school-based interventions exist to address the attention and focusing abilities of individuals diagnosed with ADHD; however, all of the existing interventions feature drawbacks such as expense, inefficient uses of time and resources, or negative side effects. Yoga has been shown to be a viable alternative to the traditional treatment methods for ADHD, particularly with regard to improving the attention and concentration levels of students. The present study utilized the Yoga Fitness for Kids videotape as an intervention for four, second grade boys who were diagnosed with ADHD and on a regular medication regimen for the disorder. The researchers used direct observation methods to examine whether the intervention would effectively increase the percentage of intervals on-task for the students. The results of the study showed that the percentage of intervals on-task was improved from the baseline to intervention phase for three of the four participants, while one participant demonstrated non-significant improvements in behavior. The Tau-U statistic was calculated to measure the effect size of the intervention for each participant, and scores ranged from 0.60 to 1.00. The weighted average Tau-U score across participants was 0.79. These results suggest that yoga can be utilized as a school-based intervention to improve the levels of on-task behaviors of students diagnosed with ADHD.
