Date of Completion

Spring 4-15-2023

Thesis Advisor(s)

Dr. Manish Roy; Dr. Shinae Jang

Honors Major

Civil Engineering


Construction Engineering and Management | Other Civil and Environmental Engineering | Structural Engineering | Transportation Engineering


This report aims to design a pedestrian river crossing that connects the north and south ends of Mansfield Hollow State Park, utilizing both a new paved pathway and bridge construction. This report first uses GIS data to complete a feasibility study on pathway routing and cost. A preliminary route was selected based on grading and cost analysis. The requirements for constructing a multi-use pathway in the State of Connecticut were then explored, attempting to find a best-fit pathway alignment to accomplish that goal. Through a lengthy literature review, it was found that the pathway design would have to deviate from typical bikeway design radii and instead use a specialized switchback design to descend a high vertical grade. Bentley OpenRoads was then used to design a horizontal and vertical alignment for the pathway in accordance with these findings. Finally, a brief literature review using real-world case studies on CT pedestrian bridges was conducted to determine applicable design standards. A pedestrian bridge design was completed utilizing ABAQUS Finite Element Analysis and the results discussed in the report. By completing this work, this report details the feasibility of connecting the northern and southern portions of Mansfield Hollow Reservoir, and that further design work should be considered for the future.
