"The Rediscovery of Self-Care: A Model for Persons with Incarceration E" by Deborah Shelton, Bill Barta et al.


This is the third of three papers outlining the development of the Rediscovery of Self-Care Model for Persons with Incarceration Experience (RSC, Shelton, Barta & Anderson, 2010). The preceding papers provided the foundational concepts from which the RSC model developed. These papers conclude that the traumatizing experience of incarceration in combination with the resulting passive behavior encouraged by prisons and jails results in a deskilling of individuals who are recipients of institutional care. In this paper, the strengths-based RSC model is articulated for the reader. The person by environment framework identifies four phases: vulnerability, adaptation, self-direction, and self-care- along with their associated processes by which we propose that incarcerated persons “re-discover” or activate their capacity for self-care. A guide and discussion for clinicians is provided