Students' post near-death experience: Attitude and behavior toward education and learning

Date of Completion

January 1997


Education, Guidance and Counseling|Education, Curriculum and Instruction




The near-death experience (NDE) is a phenomenon that has gained in interest since it was first publicly addressed by Raymond Moody in 1995. The NDE usually occurs when someone comes close to death either by illness or accident (Ring, 1986). Although the accounts of the experience vary most post-NDErs speak of unconditional love, a warm bright light and a renewed sense of spirituality.^ People from around the world, regardless of culture, religious belief, age or gender have reported similar experiences and feelings afterwards. The experiences of children are not unlike those of adults (Greyson, personal communication, April 28, 1995).^ This study examines the NDE as it relates to students who have had the experience and how it has affected their behavior and attitude toward education and learning. This study focuses on specific behavioral and attitudinal characteristics that were altered or emerged as a result of student NDE's. Finally, this study responds to the dearth of data that exists on the NDE effect on education. ^
