Addressing behaviors that have been historically resistant to remediation: Self-modeling as an intervention for stuttering

Date of Completion

January 1997


Psychology, Behavioral|Health Sciences, Speech Pathology|Psychology, Clinical




This investigation employed a multiple baseline design across individuals with a follow up to study the impact of self-modeling as an intervention for stuttering in 4 school-aged students with diagnosed stuttering disorders. The research questions considered the effect of self-modeling on decreasing stuttering, and the generalizability and maintenance of the hypothesized treatment gains. Self-modeling is defined as the positive behavior change that is the result of multiple observations of oneself performing exemplary behaviors depicted on edited videotapes. The students viewed two 5-minute edited videotapes of themselves speaking fluently on 7 occasions over a period of 6 weeks. Subsequent to viewing the intervention tapes, all students evidenced a decrease in stuttering that fell below baseline levels. The increased fluency generalized to social settings within school, and was maintained throughout follow up. ^
