Time management, leadership styles, and selected institutional factors of Connecticut long-term health care administrators

Date of Completion

January 1989


Education, Health




The purpose of this study is to examine current administrative practices of long-term healthcare administrators in Connecticut relative to time management, leadership styles and selected institutional characteristics. As a result of changing demographics in our nation, colleges and universities have experienced increased interest in training long-term healthcare administrators: professionals who must be educationally prepared to manage increasingly complex, highly regulated, labor intensive organizations. The sample population group for this study was long-term healthcare administrators in Connecticut within skilled nursing and intermediate care facilities. Time management practices were measured using a revised Executive Time Management Instrument. Leadership style and leadership adaptability were determined using the LEAD-Self Instrument. Both instruments were self-administered. Institutional and demographic data were collected from each organization including institutional bed size, per diem patient rate, and the number of years licensed for the current administrator. A response rate of 80 percent was obtained for this study. Eight null hypotheses were tested for significance at the.05 level using statistical procedures that included Pearson Product-Moment correlations, analysis of variance and partial correlations. Based upon the findings of this study it was determined that: (1) the type of leadership style utilized by long-term healthcare administrators does not significantly influence the level of effectiveness associated with their time management skills, (2) effective time management practices increase for the long-term healthcare administrator as administrative experience in an institutional setting is gained, (3) administrators do not manage their time more effectively as the size of their institution increases, and (4) different levels of monetary reimbursement provided to long-term healthcare facilities do not seem to influence significantly the time management practices of long-term healthcare administrators. It was also found that female long-term healthcare administrators manage their time more effectively than their male counterparts. The information derived from this study presents a number of opportunities for educators responsible for pre-service and in-service training programs with regard to educational planning and curriculum development. In addition, a number of recommendations were presented based on the findings of this study. ^
