Selected correlates of writing habits and attitudes of nursing faculty in Connecticut colleges and universities

Date of Completion

January 1989


Health Sciences, Nursing|Education, Curriculum and Instruction|Education, Higher




The most systematic and extensive sources of information about writing problems of college and university faculty come from surveys that ask writers about the habits and conditions under which they write (Boice, unpublished). A perusal of the few existing surveys reveals no studies which survey nursing faculty.^ This study is the first of its kind and confirmed the findings and theories formulated by Robert Boice and Karin Johnson (1984) resulting from their study, "Perceptions And Practices of Writing For Publication By Faculty At A Doctoral Granting University." The twelve-question survey tool represents six categories of writing: (a) writing patterns, (b) writing conditions, (c) use of revisions, (d) interfering factors, (e) helpful sources, and (f) estimated productivity.^ An ex post facto design was used in a survey of a unique population consisting of faculty in schools of registered nursing in Connecticut colleges and universities. Analysis of responses of the subjects was made by subjecting the data to frequency distributions and corresponding percentages, t test, one way analysis of variances, and multiple comparison.^ The results of this study are very close to those of Boise and Johnson. Nursing faculty spend less time writing but had higher productivity rates than the faculty in the other studies. Nursing faculty seem to have avoided most of the bad habits of writers with the exception of waiting for the right mood for writing. As with Boise and Johnson, the major interfering factor of writing for nursing faculty is the lack of time. Regardless of the mission of the institution, nursing faculty still rank scholarly writing below teaching, advising/consulting, and reading professional literature. The results of this study also seem to suggest that the productive faculty member is older, with ED.D. degree, not a new graduate who always uses the word processor and has only moderate anxiety about writing even though she has not had the benefit of a writing course or support from her institution.^ Further study of varied populations was recommended, e.g. larger state, different regions, and different gender mix. ^
