Teachers' learning of technology: Key factors and processes

Date of Completion

January 2010


Education, Leadership|Education, Teacher Training|Education, Technology of




The purpose of this study was to explore the professional learning process that teachers reported enhanced their use of technology in their classrooms. The framework for this qualitative, theory-building study was guided by research from the field of adult learning. Data were obtained from interviews of six teachers who worked in an urban science and technology magnet high school. Triangulation of data occurred through the use of data from three sources: an interview with the principal, document review, and observations. Findings indicated that teachers' learning was enhanced when (1) the school environment provided support of and encouragement for teachers' learning, (2) key experiences provided the grist for teachers' learning, (3) teachers engaged in deliberate practice, and (4) there were opportunities for teachers to refine and add complexity to the mental models they used to guide their practice. Results suggested a variety of ideas for practices that could enhance teachers' professional learning on ways to use technology to enhance their students' learning. ^
