Exploring the role of therapeutic recreational service professionals in palliative and hospice care

Date of Completion

January 2005


Health Sciences, Rehabilitation and Therapy|Health Sciences, Recreation




Literature reveals little concerning the specific areas of palliation and hospice care currently allocated to recreational therapists. The specific interventions of therapeutic recreational services and the effects of those interventions on palliative units and in hospice programs prompted this investigation. A convenient sample (n = 270) of American Therapeutic Recreation Association's membership of certified therapeutic recreation specialists (1500), completed a 56-item Likert scale survey developed by the investigator to highlight a variety of demographic, programmatic and professional concerns in the implementation of palliative and hospice recreational services. ^ This exploratory study identified general areas of RT interventions provided to chronically ill and dying patients by recreational therapists, the settings in which they are being implemented, and the purpose of the recreational therapy in relation to patients, families and the medical team. ^
