Date of Completion


Embargo Period



Youth Participatory Action Research, Community Cultural Wealth, First-generation Latinx Students, College Readiness, Inequity, College Preparation Program, Storytelling, Photovoice, Perceptions, Cultural Connections

Major Advisor

Michele Femc-Bagwell, Ph.D

Associate Advisor

Sarah Woulfin, Ph.D

Associate Advisor

Erica Fernandez, Ph.D

Field of Study

Educational Leadership (Ed.D.)


Doctor of Education

Open Access

Open Access


This qualitative study used Youth Participatory Action Research and Community Cultural Wealth Framework (Yosso, 2005) to understand how Vamos a La Universidad (VALU), a high school bilingual college preparation program, impacts first-generation Latinx ninth grade students’ community cultural wealth and understanding about college. This study expands our understanding of how Latinx students interpret the college preparation process after participating in a college preparation program and emphasizes the importance of students’ cultural background and social contacts in their college readiness process. This study proposes new initiatives to add to Latinx students’ college learning process and increase the students’ interest in continuing a college career.
