Date of Completion


Embargo Period



teacher education policy, teacher diversity, certification, teacher licensure testing

Major Advisor

Jennie Weiner

Associate Advisor

Sarah Woulfin

Associate Advisor

Milagros Castillo-Montoya

Field of Study

Educational Leadership (Ed.D.)


Doctor of Education

Open Access

Open Access


This collective case study examines how teacher preparation program administrators framed the basic skills test requirement (BSR) in the context of its impact on the diversification of teacher education programs. The BSR is an entry gate requirement for admission to teacher education programs. Basic skills and subject area teacher licensure tests present a disproportionate entry barrier to teaching for students of color. Research questions were designed to elicit administrators’ policies, practices and supports for students of color to meet the BSR. Methods included interviews with eight administrators at three institutions, document analysis, and the use of framing theory as an analytical tool.

I find that BSR policies and supports were related to senior-level administrator priorities and resource constraints. Administrators’ worldviews were reflected in the type of support they provided for diversity, and administrators’ diagnostic framing of the BSR was aligned with their role and responsibilities. Senior-level administrators’ diagnostic framing focused on problems related to standards, test bias and test validity/reliability. Administrators in student support roles focused on issues related to test preparation and test bias. These findings have implications for teacher education policy, practice and research related to increasing teacher diversity.
