Date of Completion

Spring 5-1-2024

Thesis Advisor(s)

Keith Conrad

Honors Major



Number Theory


A Hilbert symbol has the value 1 or −1 depending on the existence of solutions to a certain quadratic equation in a local field, R, or C. Hilbert reciprocity states that for a number field F and two nonzero a and b in F, the product of Hilbert symbols associated to a and b at all the places of F is 1. That is, these Hilbert symbols are −1 for a finite, even number of places of F . Hilbert reciprocity when F = Q is equivalent to the classical quadratic reciprocity law, so Hilbert reciprocity in number fields can be considered an extension of quadratic reciprocity to all number fields. This thesis presents a proof of Hilbert reciprocity in all number fields and then uses it to derive a quadratic reciprocity law in three quadratic rings that resembles the quadratic reciprocity law in Z, both in terms of Legendre symbols and Jacobi symbols.

Included in

Number Theory Commons
