Content Posted in 2016
1991 Revisions to Articles 3 and 4 of the Uniform Commercial Code, Timothy Fisher
2016 -- Agenda and Attachments
2016 April 27 -- Agenda and Attachments
2016 August 10 --Agenda and Attachments
2016 February 24 -- Agenda and Attachments
2016 January 27 -- Agenda and Attachments
2016 July 20 -- Agenda and Attachments
2016 June 29 -- Agenda and attachments
2016 March 30 -- Agenda and Attachments
2016 October 26 -- Agenda and Attachments
2016 September 29 -- Agenda and Attachments
“$300 or Your Life”: Recruitment and the Draft in the Civil War, Melissa Traub
Ability to Pay, Stephen Utz
A Biomechanical Analysis of Different Anterior Cruciate Ligament Surgical Techniques, Spencer T. Warshauer
Absence of CD13 Attenuates Acute Allograft Rejection, Jiyeon Kim Denninger
A Case Study using the Biopsychosocial Vulnerability-Stress Model as a framework to understand the incarceration experience, Annette T. Maruca
Acceptance of the Uniform Fiduciary Accounting Principles in the United States - The Results of a Nationwide Survey, Robert Whitman
Accommodating Pregnancy in the Workplace, Deborah Calloway
Accountability of Multinational Corporations: The Barriers Presented by Concepts of the Corporate Juridical Entity, Phillip Blumberg
Accounting for Automobiles: GAAP vs. IFRS for Record Setting Recalls, Matthew Birtwell
A Changing Climate in the Public Mind: How Do Economic Risk and Political Partisanship Affect How We Think About Climate Change?, Salil D. Benegal
Acinetobacter baumannii: A Study on Prevalence, Detection and Virulence, Deepti Prasad Karumathil
A Clinical Trial To Investigate Digital Gingivitis Image Analysis Method and Examiner-Based Grading in Assessing Experimental Gingivitis, Liliana E. Aranguren
Actin Crosslinking Proteins Localize Based on Regional Affinities for F-actin and Contribute to Normal Cellular Motility and Morphology, Michael G. Lemieux
Actuarial Application of Agent Based Modeling, Gao Niu
A Daily Diary Study of Rumination and Health Behaviors: Modeling Moderators and Mediators, Kristen E. Riley
Adam, Eve, and Emma: On Criminal Responsibility and Moral Wisdom, Thomas Morawetz
Adaptive Partition Weighted Monte Carlo Estimation, Yu-Bo Wang
Adaptive PI Control to Realize Sinusoidal Ripple Current Charging in Battery Charger Systems, Jen-Guey Chen
Addressing the Gender Workforce Gap in the Scientific Journal Editorial Hierarchy, Nishelli Ishti Ahmed
A Developmental Examination of Patient Engagement and Quality of Care in Adolescent Oncology, Elizabeth J. Siembida
Adherence to the Original Intentions in Constitutional Adjudication: Three Objections and Responses, Richard Kay
Ad Hoc Groups Engaged in Emergency Decision Making: A Mixed-Methods Study to Improve Successful Self-Escape from Underground Coal Fires, Timothy J. Bauerle
A Difference That Makes a Difference: The Role of the United States in World Society, Jason F. Charrette
Adolescents’ Emotion Disclosure to Same-Sex and Cross-Sex Friends and Associations with Empathetic Distress and Latino Boys’ Machismo, Janill Marquez
Advancements in Fiber, Interface, and Matrix Materials for Ceramic Matrix Composites, Rebecca E. Gottlieb
"Aesthetic Activism: Race, Ethnicity, Literary Experimentalism, and the U.S. South", Chad M. Jewett
Affordable Care Act, Remedy, and Litigation Reform, The, Brendan Maher
After Pocahontas: Indian Women and the Law, 1830 to 1934, Bethany Berger
Afterword: The Role of the Competition Community in the Patent Law Discourse, Hillary Greene
Agency Character and Character of Agency Guidelines: An Historical and Institutional Perspective, Hillary Greene
Agriculture, the Economy, and the Environment, Nataliya Plesha
A Judge for All Seasons, R. Kent Newmyer
A Judgment Analysis of Psychological Contracts: Priorities of Part-Time and Full-time Employees in Relation to Fulfillment and Obligation to Stay, Leslie M. Golay
A-Kinase Anchoring Protein (AKAP7) Interaction with Adenylyl Cyclase (AC3) and Cell Division Cycle Protein (CDC25), Akilah A. Plair
Allocation and Reallocation in Accordance with the Partners' Interests in the Partnership, Stephen Utz
Allosteric Modulation of the Cannabinoid Receptor One: Evaluation of Analogs of Indole-2-Carboxamide and Pyrimidinyl Biphenylurea, Leepakshi Khurana
Almost Again: On the Semantics and Acquisition of Decomposition Adverbs, Ting Xu
Alternate formulations for optimization of PLGA microsphere-comprised glucose biosensor coating against foreign body inflammation., Klair Lubonja
American Cosmologies: Race and Revolution in the Nineteenth Century, Gordon D. Fraser
Americans and the Mezzogiorno: United States Relations with the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies from Thomas Jefferson to Herman Melville, 1783-1861, Anthony Antonucci
Americans and the Quest for an Ethical International Law, Mark Weston Janis
A Minor Necessity: Minor Splicing Is Required in Murine Limb Development, Christopher D. Lemoine
AMPKα Isoform Suppression in Bladder Cancer Promotes Tumorigenesis, Stavros Kopsiaftis
A Multilevel Examination of Career Intentions in Athletic Training: Individual, Organizational and Sociocultural Factors, Christianne M. Eason
A Multi-Stage Efficiency Analysis of OECD Healthcare and the Impact of Technical Change, Can Bekaroglu
A NAC Domain Transcription Factor, XVP, Regulates Vascular patterning, Stem Cell Proliferation and Xylem Differentiation in Arabidopsis, Jung Hyun Yang
Analysis and Control of Thermoacoustic Instability: A Time Delay Systems Approach, Umut Zalluhoglu
Analysis of Transit Oriented Development Compatibility for Light Rail Station Areas adjacent to U.S. Interstate Freeways, Eric D. Dorsey
An Analysis of Anterior Mandibular Anatomy Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography: A Study of Dentate and Edentulous Mandibles, Roberta A. Wright D.M.D.
A Needed Change in the Rules of Baseball, Lewis Kurlantzick
An Efficient Leakage Free Countermeasure of AES against Side Channel Attacks, Abdulaziz M. Miyajan
An Empirical Study of Problem-based Learning of English in China, xinning cui
A New Old Look at Terrorism Insurance: Jack Hirshleifer's War Damage Insurance after Fifty Years, Peter Siegelman
A New Political Player: The Role of Super PACs in Congressional Elections, Riley Hasson
An Examination of Administrators’ Framing of the Basic Skills Test Requirement, Ann Traynor
An Examination of the Factors and Characteristics that Contribute to the Success of Putnam Fellows, Robert A. J. Stroud
An Examination of Time Loss, Injury Rates, and Factors Associated with Injury in NCAA Division I Men’s Soccer, Andrea Fortuntati
An Introduction to Climate Change Liability Litigation and a View to the Future, Joseph MacDougald
An Investigation of Lexical Coherence in Novel Word Learning, Ashlee Shaw
A Novel Tree Structure for Pattern Matching in Biological Sequences, Anas Al-okaily
Antipredator Adaptations of Spotted Salamander Larvae across a Geographic Gauntlet of Predation Risk, Jessica M. Rack
Antitrust Censorship of Economic Protest, Hillary Greene
A Physiologically Motivated Approach to the Classification of Natural Sounds using High Order Sound Statistics, Brian B. Bishop
A Policy Overview, Stephen Utz
Application of a Portable Hyperspectral Imaging System to Field Studies in Animal Camouflage and Coral Reef Symbiosis, Brandon J. Russell
Application of Biopsychosocial Vulnerability-Stress Model To a Criminal Justice Population, Deborah Shelton, Bill Barta, and Elizabeth Anderson
Applications of Advanced Signal Processing Techniques in Pure and Applied Geophysics, Robert W. Mehl
Approaches to Form in First Movements of Clarinet Concertos from Mozart to the Twentieth Century, Amy L. Schneider
A Preliminary Study on the Role of Enhancer of Flavonoid Production (EFP) in Flavonoid Biosynthesis, Jia Guo
A Restorative Approach to Student Discipline: Examining a Small School's Changed Response to Student Behavior, Regina M. Hopkins
A Retrospective Study Assessing the Predictive Performance of a Lung Cancer Screening Risk Prediction Model in a Clinical Lung Cancer Screening Program, Andrea K. Borondy Kitts
A Rose by Any Other Word: Mutual Mistake in Sherwood v. Walker, Robert Birmingham
Articulating Trade Offs: The Political Economy of State Action Immunity, Hillary Greene
A Sampler of Religious Experiences in International Law, Mark Weston Janis
Ascending CNS Progression of EAE: Linkage of Events at the Choroid Plexus and Spinal Cord, Bandana Shrestha
A Second Look at the Suez Canal Cases: Excuse for Nonperformance of Contractual Obligations, Robert Birmingham
Aspects of Sonata Form in Brahms's Piano Sonatas, LAURA L. HIBBARD
Assessing Factors Related to Clinicians’ Attitudes Towards Suicide Prevention, amanda l. johnson
Assessing the Impact of Breastfeeding Cessation on the Reported Incidence of Diarrhea in Infants Between the Ages of 7 to 12 months: A Secondary Data Analysis, Ana Francisca Diallo
Assessment of Community College Students’ Analytical Reasoning Skills and Engagement in Deep Learning, Andreas Salis, Victor Fichera, and Ian Beckford
Association of the Dietary Inflammatory Index with Metabolic Syndrome in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2001-2006), Genevieve C. Caron
A Study after Cardozo: De Cicco v. Schweizer, Noncooperative Games, and Neural Computing, Robert Birmingham
A Study of Native Parasitoids and Rearing Diet Efficacy for the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Halyomorpha halys, Zachary R. Donais
At All Costs: Property and Extralegal Violence in American Literature and Culture, Maria Seger
A Tax Expenditure Analysis, Richard Pomp
A Threatened Ecosystem in a Human-Dominated Landscape: Tidal Marsh Conservation in the Face of Sea-Level Rise, Christopher R. Field
A Tribute to Dean Sacks, Phillip Blumberg
Authenticating Jewishness: The Racialized Construction of a Jewish Ideal, Emma B. Lesser
A Utilitarian Theory of Judicial Decision, Thomas Morawetz
Autism Spectrum Disorders and Low Mental Age: Diagnostic Stability and Developmental Outcomes in Infants and Toddlers, Alexander J. Hinnebusch
Autoignition Characteristics of Diesel Fuel and its Surrogates, Goutham Kukkadapu
Automated, Efficient, and Practical Extreme Value Analysis with Environmental Applications, Brian Bader
A Woman's World, Michael Fischl
Azeotrope Enabled Anionic Polymerization of Ethylene Oxide using Initiators with different Functional groups, Dronareddy Madugula
Barriers to United States-Canadian Trade: Problems and Solutions, the Canadian Perspective, Richard Parker
Bayesian Analysis of Item Response Theory and its Applications to Longitudinal Education Data, ABHISEK SAHA
Behavioral Modeling of Motor Drive Systems Efficiency, Artur Ulatowski
Bellwether Trials, Alexandra Lahav
Benefits of Opt-In Federalism, The, Brendan Maher
Bernstein-Sato Polynomials for Quivers, Andras Cristian Lorincz
Beyond Economics: The Effects of Religion, Migration, and Women’s Education on Nonmarital Fertility in Poor Counties, Jessica E. Yorks
Bibliography for "Their Writings" in A Companion to Lollardy, Fiona Somerset
Biochemical Analysis of Protein-Protein and Protein-Polymer Interactions, Priya Katyal
Bioengineering of 2D Nanomaterials via Green and Sustainable Routes, Ajith Pattammattel
Biologically Inspired Micropillar Patterned Polymer Electrodes for Electrocardiogram Monitoring, Justin bales
Biomarkers of Orthodontic Tooth Movement with Fixed Appliances and Vibration Device: A Randomized Clinical Trial, Marie-Claude Chouinard
Biomimetic Calcium Phosphate/PEM Coatings For Sequential Multifactor Delivery, Emily E. Jacobs
Biophysical Characterization of Protein Interactions by ITC and NMR, Xiaochen Lin
Biopsychosocial Vulnerability-Stress Modeling for an Incarcerated Population, Deborah Shelton, Bill Barta, Robert Trestman, and Sara Wakai
Black Queer Feminist Thought: Theory and Praxis in a Community-Based Movement Organization, Christina Victoria Sneed
Breach of Contract, Damage Measures, and Economic Efficiency, Robert Birmingham
Breaking on through to the Other Side: Understanding Continental European Corporate Governance, Ángel Oquendo
Breast Milk Exposure and the Incidence of Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Very Low Birth Weight Pre-Term Infants, Meaghan Sullivan
Building a Better Lawyer Discipline System: The Queensland Experience, Leslie Levin
Building- Related Renewable Energy and the Case of 360 State Street, Sara Bronin
Buying Witness Silence: Evidence-Suppressing Settlements and Lawyers' Ethics, Jon Bauer
Can a State Tax the Fuel That Is Sold by Non-Indian Distributors to a Tribal Gas Station, Bethany Berger
Can Estate Planners and Trust Administrators Offer Help to Trust Beneficiaries Who Want to Learn to Make Positive Life Planning Decisions, Robert Whitman
Can NBA Teams Benefit from Losing?, Ryan P. Hallisey
Can Portable Band Sawmill Operators Help Address Connecticut’s Small Scale Forest Management Needs?, Frances E. P. Champagne
Capacity and Respect: A Perspective on the Historic Role of the State Courts in the Federal System, Ellen Ash Peters
Capacity for Lifetime and Estate Planning, Robert Whitman
Case for less Secrecy in Lawyer Discipline, The, Leslie Levin
Categories of Conceptions of Proofs by Students of Computer Science, Thérèse Smith
Cation Contamination in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells: Impacts, Mechanisms, and Mitigation, Md. Aman Uddin
Causing Death for Compassionate Reasons in American Law, Richard Kay
CD13 Regulation of Albuminuria in Response to Renal Injury, Claire Gerber
Cell Phone vs. Microphone: Judging Emotion in the Voice, Joshua Green
Change in Urban Fabric Through Space and Time at Differing Levels of Automobility, Kristin A. Floberg
Changes in Power and Movement Strategy Over One Athletic Season, Alison C. O'Connor
Characterization and Target Identification of AK301: A Novel Mitotic Arrest Agent, Michael J. Bond, Avijeet S. Chopra, Marina Bleiler, Michelle Yeagley, and Eric Scocchera
Characterization of Fluoroquinolone Resistance Plasmid p1471 Isolated from Leech Symbiont, Aeromonas hydrophila, Emily J. LaMarre
Characterization of Induced RNAi Silencing of Vaccinia Virus Essential Genes, Kewa Jiang
Characterization of Induced RNAi Silencing of Vaccinia Virus Essential Genes, Kewa Jiang
Characterization of Viral RNA-Induced Protein Kinase R Dimerization and Activation, Bushra Husain
Charged Expressions: On the Power of Slurring Words and Derogatory Gestures, Ralph DiFranco
Charles Guiteau and the Christian Nation, Carol Weisbrod
Check Fraud Litigation in Connecticut after the 1990 Revisions to the U.C.C., Timothy Fisher
Chemosensory Function in Chronic Smokers: Findings from NHANES 2011-2014 and an E-Cigarette Intervention, Sarah-Grace Glennon
Chief Justice Marshall in the Context of His Times, R. Kent Newmyer
Childhood Obesity Prevention in Income-Disadvantaged Populations: An Evaluation of Two Novel Approaches, Kayla L. Vosburgh
Children's Constitutional Rights, Anne Dailey
Children's Rights vs. Adult Free Speech: Can They Be Reconciled, Loftus Becker
Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye v. City of Hialeah, Paul Bader
Civil Judicial Subsidy, The, Brendan Maher
Claiming the State: The Impact of Human Rights Education and Legal Mobilization on Ghanaian Political Subjectivity, Catherine F. Buerger
Class Action in the Age of Twitter: A Dispute Systems Approach, Jeremy McClane
Clean Up Sound and Harbor (CUSH): ONe Community's Solution to Water Quality Issues, Tristan Kading
Climate Change Impact on Agricultural Land Use in West Africa and Its Implication on Regional Climate Projection, Kazi F. Ahmed
Climate-Induced Habitat Fragmentation Affects Metapopulation Structure of Arctic Grayling in Tundra Streams, Heidi E. Golden
Cloning and Variation of Ground State Intestinal Stem Cells, Lane H. Wilson, Francisco A. Sylvester, Jeffrey S. Hyams, Thomas Devers, and Wa Xian
Collective Layoffs: Protection of Employees against Dismissal or Displacement as a Result of Mergers, Closings, or Work Transfers, Phillip Blumberg
Commentary: A Law Professor's Suggestions for Estate and Trust Reform, Robert Whitman
Commentary: The Rules of Law and the Point of Law, Thomas Morawetz
Comment on Friedman Paper, Carol Weisbrod
Comment on Property and Divorce, A, Carol Weisbrod
Comments by Angel Oquendo, Ángel Oquendo
Common Law Antecendents of Constitutional Law in Connecticut, Ellen Ash Peters
Common Law Judging in a Statutory World: An Address, Ellen Ash Peters
Commonplace Dissidence: English Renaissance Humanism and Its Skeptics, Joanna A. Rowe
Comparative Constitutional Fundamentals, Richard Kay
Comparative Mutagenicity of the Two N2-2’-Deoxyguanosine Adducts Formed by 1-Nitropyrene, Chaitra Veerabhadrappa Surugihalli
Competition Perspectives on Patent Law Substance and Procedure: An Overview of the FTC/DOJ Hearings and the FTC Report, Hillary Greene
Comprehensive Applications of Rice Husk Biomass, Zichao Wei
Computational Design of Ceramic Bone Scaffolds Fabricated Via Direct Ink Writing, Jeffrey Roberge
Computational Investigations into the Molecular Underpinnings of Eyesight Signaling Pathways, Shaan Kamal
Confidentiality and Common Sense: Insights from Philosophy, Thomas Morawetz
Confinement in 3+1 Dimensions, Ibrahim B. Ilhan
Constituent Authority, Richard Kay
Constitutional Privilege to Republish Defamation, Leslie Levin
Consumer Protection in the United States: Control of Unfair or Unconscionable Practices, Phillip Blumberg
Contemporary and Historic Effects of Fishing on Largemouth Bass Populations, Using Unexploited Populations for Reference, Jan-Michael Hessenauer
Continuous Processing of Liposomes to Control and Predict Physical Properties, Antonio P. Costa
Continuous PTH: A Tale of Two Pathways, Thomas Estus
Contribution of Probiotics Streptococcus salivarius Strains K12 and M18 to Oral Health in Humans: A Review, Turner A. Stowik
Control and the Partly Owned Corporation: A Preliminary Inquiry into Shared Control, Phillip Blumberg
Converted Measurement Trackers for Systems with Nonlinear Measurement Functions, Steven V. Bordonaro
Cooperative, Cognitive and Coordinated Communications for Underwater Acoustic Networks, Yu Luo
Co-operative Collective Motion of Benzoquinone Particles at the Air-Water Interface and Assessment of CD62L as a Protein Biomarker for Metastatic Bladder Cancer, Jennifer E. Satterwhite 4469944
Cooperative Effects in the Optical Response of Dense Atomic Gases, Yi Li
Coping with Uncertainty in the Law, Ellen Ash Peters
Copyright and Social Movements in Late Nineteenth-Century America, Steven Wilf
Corporate Law Constraints on Political Spending, James Kwak
Corporate Responsibility and the Employee's Duty of Loyalty and Obedience: A Preliminary Inquiry, Phillip Blumberg
Corporate Social Responsibility: Implications for Businesses Operating in the United States and the European Union, Kaitlyn Sapp
Corporate Social Responsibility Panel: The Constituencies of the Corporation and the Role of the Institutional Investor, Phillip Blumberg
Corruption and Legitimation Crises in Latin America, Ángel Oquendo
Coupling Chemical Reactions with Supramolecular Assembly of Synthetic Subunits in Aqueous Solution, Hongwei Xia
C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Levels in a Young Adult Population with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Jack Sawyer
Creating a Paternalistic Market for Legal Rules Affecting the Benefit Promise, Brendan Maher
Cultivating Feminist Critical Inquiry, Anne Dailey
Cumulative Trauma Exposure and Appraisals of Subsequent Stressors, Sharon Lee
Curbing Energy Sprawl with Microgrids, Sara Bronin
Current Therapeutic Role and Medicinal Potential of Scutellaria barbata in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Research, Geyang Tao and Marcy J. Balunas
Cyberbullying Among Young Adults: Effects on Mental and Physical Health, Brett M. Goshe
Cyclin-Dependent Kinase CRK9, Required for Spliced Leader trans Splicing of Pre-mRNA in Trypanosomes, Functions in a Complex with a New L-Type Cyclin and a Kinetoplastid-Specific Protein., Nitika Badjatia, Sung Hee Park, Daniela L. Ambrósio, Justin K. Kirkham, and Arthur Günzl
Daniel Webster as Tocqueville's Lawyer: The Dartmouth College Case Again, R. Kent Newmyer
Data Structures and Algorithms for the Identification of Biological Patterns, Marius Nicolae
Dealing Fairly With Estate and Trust Beneficiary Complaints, Robert Whitman
Dealing with Diversity: Changing Theories of Discrimination, Deborah Calloway
Deciphering the Outer Envelope of Thermotoga maritima, Chaman Ranjit
Defining the Microglia Response to Ischemic Stroke Injury: The Role of CD200-CD200R1 Signaling, Rodney M. Ritzel
Delayed Feedback Control Schemes for Vibration Suppression and Energy Harvesting with Piezoelectric Resonators, Ayhan S. Kammer
Democratic Legitimacy and the Administrative Character of Supranationalism: The Example of the European Community, Peter Lindseth
Deployment Strategies for Underwater Sensing and Processing Networks, Hesham Alhumyani
Design and Development of seco-B Ring Compounds as Effective Non-Classical Antifolates Against Gram-negative and Gram-positive Pathogens, Kyle Wickersham
Design, Construction, and Optimization of the Energy Resolution of a Xenon TPC Detector, Nicholas E. Destefano
Designing Safer Sex Infographics: Framing Data with Emotional and Rational Appeals, Yi Wang
Designing Transit Networks for Equity and Accessibility, Kelly L. Bertolaccini
Design of Energy Efficient Embedded Systems Exploiting Domain-specific Information, Junlin Chen
Design of Exercise Equipment for Wheelchair Users: A Case Study in Accessibility Standards, Kate Craddock Rescsanszky
Design of Hardware-Efficient Signal Reconstruction for Embedded Computing, Guoxian Huang
Design of Nanomaterial Catalysts for Energy and Environmental Applications, Abdelhamid El-Sawy
Detecting Conceptual Change with Latent Transition Analysis, Glen Davenport
Determining a Partner's Share on Unrealized Receivables at the Liquidation of the Partner's Interest, Stephen Utz
Developing a Valid and Reliable Dietary Quality Index from a Liking Survey: Data from Association and Evaluation Studies in Children and Adults, Mastaneh Sharafi
Developing Citizens, Anne Dailey
Development of a Biodegradable Polymer-Metal Composite as a Novel Biomaterial, Tyler Stahl
Development of a Brief Motivational Interview to Promote Help Seeking Among Individuals with Symptoms of Blood, Injection, Injury Phobia, David J. Finitsis
Development of an Improved Live Attenuated Antigenic Marker CSF Vaccine Strain Candidate with an Increased Genetic Stability, lauren Gayle Holinka-Patterson
Development of Novel Biological Nanomaterials Through Protein Chemical Modification, Bobbi S. Stromer
Development of Novel Hollow Zein Nanoparticles for Nanoencapsulation of Curcumin, Siqi Hu
Development of PLGA Microsphere/PVA Hydrogel Composite Coatings for Long-Term Biosensor Functioning, Bing Gu
Development of Reduced Chemistry for Efficient Combustion Simulations, Yufeng Liu
Development of Self-Adjuvanted Self-Assembling Protein Nanoparticles for Use as Vaccine Candidates, Christopher P. Karch
Development of the Employee Expertise Development Scale (EEDS), Yujin Kim
Development of VIP-SST Interneuron Associations in Mouse Neocortex and Entorhinal Cortex, Aayushi A. Mehta
Developments in Connecticut Criminal Law: 2005, Timothy Everett
Developments in Connecticut Criminal Law: 2006, Timothy Everett
Developments in Connecticut Criminal Law: 2007, Timothy Everett
Developments in Connecticut Criminal Law: 2008, Timothy Everett
Differences in Lip Projection with and without Labial Denture Flanges in a Maxillary Edentulous Population: An Un-blinded Subjective Analysis, Viensuong N. Nguyen
Differential Effects Of The MAO Inhibitors Deprenyl, Moclobemide And Pargyline on Effort-Related Choice Behavior, Hector M. Contreras-Mora
Differential Gene Expression in TRAP-positive Cells During Mouse Embryonic Skeletal Development, Melissa Carr-Reynolds
Directiveness in Clinical Supervision, Jon Bauer
Discovering Users’ Intent in Interactive Virtual Environments, Frol Periverzov
Dispute Settlement in the Law of the Sea Convention: The Military Activities Exception, Mark Weston Janis
Dissecting Molecular Mechanisms of Centromeric CENP-A Assembly, CHIN-CHI CHEN
Divorce Stories: Readings, Comments and Questions on Law and Narrative, Carol Weisbrod
DNAH6 and Its Interactions with PCD Genes in Heterotaxy and Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia, Stephen M. King
Do Adolescents with High Functioning Autism Verbally Mediate Theory of Mind?, Christina A. Irvine
Does the Shortened Environmental Symptoms Questionnaire Accurately Represent Physiological Adaptations Following a 10 Day Heat Acclimation Protocol and the Decay Thereafter?, Rachel Marie Vanscoy
Due Process and the Future of Class Actions, Alexandra Lahav
Dynamic Simulation, Optimization, and Control of Flexible Chemical-Looping Combustion Processes, Lu Han
Dynamics of HIV Risk Behavior in HIV-Infected Injection, Jeffrey D. Fisher, Stephen Misovich, Diane L. Kimble, and Beth Weinstein
Ecological Effects of Development on American Black Bear, Michael J. Evans
Ecological Risks and Benefits from the Novel Crop Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz (Camelina), Richard C. Rizzitello
Economic Integration in East Africa: Distribution of Gains, Robert Birmingham
Effective Establishment of Native Plant Communities Along New England Roadsides, John M. Campanelli
Effect of Electrical Stimulation on Muscle Recruitment as it Relates to Maximal Voluntary Contraction, Kelly Stratton
Effect of Labor Epidural Analgesia With Hydromorphone on Neonatal Neurobehavior and Breastfeeding Behavior in the First 24 Hours of Life, Cynthia French
Effects of Active and Observational Experience on EEG Activity during Early Childhood, Lauren Bryant
Effects of Extended Spaceflight on the Mandible and Incisor Teeth of Mice, Didem Dagdeviren
Effects of Multicultural Advertising Strategies on Consumer Attitudes and Purchase Intentions, Linda Dam
Effects of Varenicline, Nicotine or Placebo on Depressive Symptoms in Postmenopausal Smokers, Naomi Avery, Anne M. Kenny, Alison Kleppinger, Jennifer L. Brindisi, Mark D. Litt, and Cheryl A. Oncken
Efficacy of a Daily Mindful Breathing Intervention to Increase Academic Engagement, Marlena L. Minkos
Efficiency Enhancement of Micro-Thermoelectric Generators via Scaling and Minority Carrier Extraction, Nicholas E. Williams
Efficiency, Morality, and Rights: The Significance of Cleaning Up, Thomas Morawetz
Efficient Methods for Mining Association Rules from Uncertain Data, Manal Hamed Alharbi
Electronic Structure and Phase Separation of Transition Metal Oxides, Zhihai Zhu
Embedding Elements of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) in a Summer Program, Laura Ruberto
Embodying Inequality: The Criminalization of Women for Abortion in Chile, Michele Eggers
Emergency Shelter Resource Allocation and Location Analysis, Brett T. Decker
Emotional Well-being in Adulthood: The Influence of Sibling Attachment Quality and Use of Relational Maintenance Behaviors Between Siblings, Nicholas F. Koberstein
Emperor's Clothes and Other Tales about the Standards for Imposing Lawyer Discipline Sanctions, The, Leslie Levin
English Morphological Development in Bimodal Bilingual Children: Deaf Children with Cochlear Implants and Hearing Children of Deaf Adults, Corina V. Goodwin
Enhanced Ceramic-based Interpenetrating Phase Composites via Pre-ceramic Chemical Necking, Jessica K. Hsieh
Enhancing Developing Relationships with Skin-to-Skin Contact, Dorothy J. Vittner
Enhancing Upper-level Performance from Below: Performance Measurement and Optimization in LTE Networks, Ruofan Jin
Environmentally Sustainable Practices at Small Community Sport Facilities, John Schumacher
Equal Employment and Third Party Privacy Interests: An Analytical Framework for Reconciling Competing Rights, Deborah Calloway
Essays on Information Diffusion and Adverse Selection, Stephen Rush
Essays on Religion, Conflict, and Economic Development, Sadullah Yildirim
Essays on the Interactions of Consumer Behavior and Firm Strategy in Multi-Channel Environments, Bin Li
Establishment of a School Implemented Exercise Program to Prevent Injury and Promote Health among Youth: Is There a Link between Balance and Physical Health?, Samir Z. Chaudhry
Establishment of Trust and Integrity in Modern Supply Chain from Design to Resign, Ujjwal Guin
Ethical World of Solo and Small Law Firm Practitioners, The, Leslie Levin
Ethics and Style: The Lessons of Literature for Law, Thomas Morawetz
Evaluating dietary quality and taste preferences with a simple liking survey: Application to studying individuals with morbid obesity, Marina L. Zoghbi
Evaluation of Near-Infrared Contrast Agents for Cancer Detection using Optical Imaging Techniques, Akram Abuteen
Evaluation of R Package ltm with IRT Dichotomous Models, Fusun Sahin and Kimberly Colvin
Evaluation of Soft Material Microstructure through High-frequency Ultrasound, Jeremy D. Stromer
Evaluation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Interconnect Coatings: Mechanisms Behind Structure and Property Change During Reaction Layer Formation, Louis V. Gambino
Evaluation of the Effect of Vitamin D Pharmacokinetics on Bone Health Using a Multi-Scale Systems Pharmacology Model (MSPM), Alanna S. Ocampo-Pelland
Examining Altered Neural Activation In Patients With Patellar Tendinopathy: A Preliminary Study, Steven Davi
Examining Racial Differences among Predictors of Home and Community-Based Service Use and Choice and Control in Older Adults in the Money Follows the Person Program in Connecticut, Chanee Darnell Fabius
Examining Valve Shape Variation in the Freshwater Diatom Genus Eunotia over Time and Space, Jordan M. Bishop
Ex Ante Versus Ex Post Deliberations: Two Models of Judicial Deliberations in Courts of Last Resort, Mathilde Cohen
Exclusive Breastfeeding Promotion Among HIV-infected Women: A Theory-based Approach, Emily L. Tuthill
Exoneration Clauses in Wills and Trust Instruments, Robert Whitman
Expanding the Scope of Oxidation Reactions Using a Green Oxoammonium Salt, Jacob J. Loman
Experimental Studies on Flow Field and Flame Stabilization of a Premixed Reacting Jet in Vitiated Crossflow, Jason A. Wagner
Exploration of Advances in Statistical Methodologies for Crash Count and Severity Prediction Models, Kai Wang
Exploration of Physical Layer Security in Underwater Acoustic Communications, Yi Huang
Exploring Maternal Emotion Masking as a Contribution to Kindergartener's Emotion Regulation, Erin Donohue
Exploring Mediators of Religiosity and Depressive Symptoms in Married Couples, Andrew Rose
Exploring the Effect of Novel Small Molecules on Oligodendrocyte Precursor Proliferation, Sagune Sakya
Exploring the Experiences of Novice Athletic Trainers as they Gain Role Inductance into their First Full-Time Position, McLain M. Whitney
Exploring the Impact of the New CCSS on Definitions of Teacher Leadership and 1st-6th Year Teachers’ Opportunities to Develop as Leaders, Abigail Esposito, Sara Nelson, John Bengston, Andrew Didden, Patrick Mulcahy, Daniel Wilson, Alexander Valacer, Dan Seara, Colin Schlank, Justis Lopez, Andrew Dombrowski, Brian Colantonio, and Tom Levine
Exploring the Relationship Between Commuting Stress, Job Strain and Safety Behaviors While Commuting: The Dual Role of Work-Related Rumination, Katrina A. Burch
Extracellular Regulation of Glial Cell Functions, Kasey Marie Johnson
Faith, the State, and the Humility of International Law, Mark Weston Janis
Falling though Space... Portrait of a Poet from a Bird's Eye View, Christopher Kean
Family, Church and State: An Essay on Constitutionalism and Religious Authority, Carol Weisbrod
Fantasy, Celebrity, and Homicide, Thomas Morawetz
Farming Alone: Factors Influencing Farmland Conversion Along the Rural Urban Fringe, Andrew J. Huddy
Fast Algorithms for Structured Matrices and Laurent Polynomials, David Miller
Federalism and Families, Anne Dailey
Federalism in Health Care: Costs and Benefits, Stephen Utz
Ferroelectric Switching and d33 Mapping of Micro-Patterned Piezoelectrics by Piezo Force Microscopy, Linghan Ye
Finite Element Methods of Dirichlet Boundary Optimal Control Problems With Weakly Imposed Boundary Conditions, Cagnur Corekli
Flame Combustion Synthesis of Nano-materials for Catalysts and Sensors, Rishabh Jain
Flammability and Emission Analysis of Recycled Carpet Based Particle Board, Xiaodong Yan
Fleeing Violence: Gender, Human Rights, and Trafficking in Women in Pakistan, Farhan Navid Yousaf
Flexible Fiduciary Accounting from the Outset of Administration, Robert Whitman
Fluorescent Carbon Nanoparticles for Sensitive and Selective Detection of Palladium (Pd2+), Sichen Zhang
FMN Self-Assemblies around Various (n,m)-SWNTs Thermodynamic Studies, Characterization, Separation and Crystallization, Roholah Sharifi
Folk Psychology and Legal Understanding, Robert Birmingham
Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act: The Most Revolutionary Piece of Tax Legislation Since the Introduction of the Income Tax, Alexander Szwakob
Foreword, Richard Pomp
Foreword, Ellen Ash Peters
For the Birds- Great Gull Island, Juliana Barrett
Fraternal Force: A Cultural Intervention to Alter the Way Fraternities Communicate and Conceptualize Sexual Violence, Richard S. Colon Jr
From Odysseus to Capgras: Seven Episodes of Personal Identity in Law, Robert Birmingham
From Wilde to Obergefell: Gay Legal Theatre, 1895-2015, Todd Barry
Full Analysis of Heat Pipes Including Fins and Nanofluids, Leonard M. Poplaski 5222235
Functionalizing Intact Allografts through Polymer Coating and Growth Factor Delivery, Farzana Sharmin
Fundamental Principles for Class Action Governance, Alexandra Lahav
Fusion Folk: A Comment on Law and Music, Carol Weisbrod
Ga2O3 Nanorod-based High Temperature Gas Sensors: A 3-D Nano- Architecture and Mechanism Study, HUI-JAN LIN
Gaussian Kernel Based Medial Zone Computation, Weiling Li
Gender in 17th Century Southern New England, Megan K. Willison
Generalized Linear Model Approach to Adjusting Expected Assumptions of Long-Term Care Incidence Rates, Rozita Ramli
Generalized p-adic Gauss Sums, Sandi Xhumari
Genetic Requirement for Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) signaling in Progenitor Cell Responses in a Mammalian Limb Regeneration Model, sandra I. Lopez
Geometric Energies for Haptic Assembly, Morad Behandish
Getting Away from the Federal Paradigm: Separation of Powers in State Courts, Ellen Ash Peters
Getting Right with the Great Chief Justice, R. Kent Newmyer
Giving access through collaboration: UConn Library & CRL's collaborations through ICON, LAMP & LARRP, Marisol Ramos
Global Changes in Mycoplasma gallisepticum Phase-variable Lipoprotein (vlhA) Gene Expression in the Natural Host, Katherine Pflaum
Globalization, Welfare Policy, and Income Inequality in Developed Economies, Yunmin Nam
Goal-Corrected Partnerships: Young Children’s Representations of Mother-Child Negotiation, Hannah B. Mudrick
God's Captive: Piety and Ministry in the Diary and Life of Stephen Williams, Linda Meditz
Good Will Ambassador with a Cookbook: Flemmie Kittrell and the International Politics of Home Economics, Allison B. Horrocks
Grading the Government, Richard Parker
Grant Gilmore and the Illusion of Certainty, Ellen Ash Peters
Groups in Perspectives, Carol Weisbrod
Guardians at the Gate: The Backgrounds, Career Paths, and Professional Development of Private US Immigration Lawyers, Leslie Levin
Guideline Institutionalization: The Role of Merger Guidelines in Antitrust Discourse, Hillary Greene
Haloarchaeal Species Genesis: Diversity, Recombination, and Evolution, Nikhil Ram Mohan
Hart's Definition and Theory in Jurisprudence Again, Robert Birmingham
Health Behaviors Changes from Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood: A Multilevel Modeling Perspective, Dalnim Cho
Health Care Experiences of the Uninsured at the Dawn of the 21st Century, Sylvia Jalil-Gutierrez and Sylvia Jalil-Gutierrez
Health in Hartford: A Community-Based Participatory Research Project Identifying Solutions to Health Inequities, Karen A. D'Angelo
Hearing Officers' Perceptions of Their Roles in Welfare Organizations, Karen R. Brown
“Hey, Nice Run!” Exploring Motives for Smartphone Exercise App Use, Michael S. Fuller
Hidden Economy of the Unconscious, The, Anne Dailey
High Molecular Weight Surfactants for the Formation of Complex Emulsions, Kevin Y.-S. Huang
High Performance Embedded Systems, Ahmed Abdullah Alsheikhy
High Speed All Optical Switching and Encryption using Ultrafast Devices, Wenbo Li
Histological Verification of Electrode Placement in Single Unit Recorded Rats, Dana Lew
HIV Testing Avoidance: A Comparison of Psychosocial Factors Affecting HIV Testing in Gay and Bisexual Men, Devon Michelle Price
Holmes and the Romantic Mind, Anne Dailey
Holmes on Peerless: Raffles v. Wichelhaus and the Objective Theory of Contract, Robert Birmingham
“How Do You Define Yourself?” Mobilizing Leadership in the Graduate Employee Union Movement, Kathleen Ragon
How Government Surveillance Modifies Social Network Service Use in South Korea, Tonghoon Kim
How the U.S. Low-Fat Diet Recommendations of 1977 Contributed to the Declining Health of Americans, Julia Reedy
How to Beat without Feet: Weight Scales and Parameter Dependencies in the Computation of Word Accent, Alexandre Vaxman
How 'Wilsonian' Was Woodrow Wilson, Mark Weston Janis
Human-centric Design of Smartphone-based Dynamic Security Questions for Fallback Authentication, Yusuf Albayram
Human Rights and Imposed Constitutions, Mark Weston Janis
Hydration Knowledge and Personal Assessment in Collegiate Male Soccer Athletes, Abigail T. Colburn
Hyperproliferation and Parathyroid Neoplasia due to Genetic Variants, La Shondra A. Ellis
Hypoelliptic Heat Kernel on Nilpotent Lie Groups, Malva Asaad
Identification and Quantification of Heterogeneity in Freezing and Primary Drying Steps of Lyophilization, Pooja Sane
Identification of Student Nurses’ Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Pediatric Pain Management, Jessica Laprise
Identifying Association Between Pedestrian Safety Interventions and Street Crossing Behavior Considering Demographics and Traffic Context, Franklin J. Caraballo
Identifying Irrationality and Fear-Driven Reactions to Financial Market Shocks & Terrorism, Kimberly M. Roland
Images of the Woman Juror, Carol Weisbrod
Imagination and Choice, Anne Dailey
Imagining Justice: Aesthetics and Public Executions in Late Eighteenth-Century England, Steven Wilf
Impact of Project RED Discharge Checklist on Readmissions and Adherence to Initial Follow-Up Appointment, Julie D. Culmone Mrs
Implementation Planning as a Proactive Approach to Treatment Integrity Maintenance of an Academic Intervention, Justin Byron
Imprecisely Supervised Learning, Xin Wang
Improving Retirement Savings Options for Employees, James Kwak
In Appreciation of Alan Cullison, Stephen Utz
Incentives and Ideology, James Kwak
Incivility as a Communication Barrier: The Effects of Incivility Experiences, Appraisals, and Context on Employees’ Constructive Voice Behavior, Kerri C. Nelson
Incorporation by Reference in Commercial Contracts, Robert Whitman
Increased Delta as a Compensatory Strategy During Working Memory in High-Performing Patients with Schizophrenia, Faith Steffen-Allen
Increasing Recognition of Enterprise Principles in Determining Parent and Subsidiary Corporation Liabilities, The, Phillip Blumberg
Indiana University Seminar in Jurimetrics, Robert Birmingham
Indian Policy and the Imagined Indian Woman, Bethany Berger
Indigenous Self-Determination in Latin America, Ángel Oquendo
indigni et peccatoris verbum: Christian Identity in the Epistula Severi, Mark Pearsall
Individual Differences in Sensitivity to Morphological Structure in Words and Nonwords, Oliver M. Sawi
Industrial Development Bonds and Economic Policy, Robert Birmingham
Infant Exposure To Potentially Traumatic Events In The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Amy L. D'Agata
Influence of Conducting Carbons on the Capacity Retention of NiO//LiCoO2 and Graphite//LiCoO2 Full Cell Lithium Ion Batteries, mengchen liu
Influence of Personality on Emotional Contagion through Social Media, Theodore T. Jensen
Influence of Teeth Preparation and Obturation Material on Endodontically Treated Teeth, Yousef Redhai
Information Processing in the Hippocampus and the Medial Prefrontal Cortex During Hippocampal Dependent and Independent Task: An LFP Analysis, Jinah Yoon 4863671
In Memoriam: Oliver Oldman, Richard Pomp
Insurance and the Utopian Idea, Carol Weisbrod
Insurance: How it Matters as Psychological Fact and Political Metaphor, Thomas Morawetz
Integration and Economic Development, Robert Birmingham
Integration of Biomolecular Recognition Elements with Solid-State Devices, Kan Fu
Integrative Analysis of Heterogeneous Genomics Data for Triple Negative Breast Cancer and High Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer, Abdelrahman Hosny Ibrahim
Intein Epidemiology: A Study of the Lifestyle, Distribution, Phylogenetics, and Dynamics of Inteins, Shannon M. Soucy
Intensive Sound Production Treatment for Apraxia of Speech: An Analysis of Error Consistency, Victoria M. Abolafia
Interdependence Between Dorsal and Ventral Hippocampus During Spatial Navigation, Shang Lin Lee
Interdisciplinary Collaboration to Develop Intercultural Competence by Integrating Math, Languages, and Social Studies, Fabiana Cardetti, Manuela Wagner, and Michael Bryam
Intermetallic Compounds and Their Effects on the Mechanical Performance of Micro Scale Solder Bonds, Soud F. Choudhury
Internalized Stigma among HIV-Positive Men on Antiretroviral Therapy in Urban India, Mitchell L. Irving
International Courts and the Efficacy of International Law, Mark Weston Janis
International Law, Mark Weston Janis
International Law as Fundamental Justice: James Brown Scott, Harold Hongju Koh, and the American Universalist Tradition of International Law, Mark Weston Janis
Interpersonal Guilt and Substance Use in College Students, Nancy M. Petry
Interrogating Raf-1 Kinase Inhibitor Protein (RKIP) as a Novel Therapeutic Target for Modulating Inflammatory Responses, Kyle T. Wright
In the Name of the Child: Race, Gender, and Economics in Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl, Bethany Berger
Intragroup (Upstream, Cross-Stream, and Downstream) Guaranties under the Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act, Phillip Blumberg
Introduction: Observations on Teaching Griswold, Hugh MacGill
Introduction to the Politicalization of the Corporation, Phillip Blumberg
Investigating Historic Human-Land Use Dynamics in Southern New England Using LiDAR and Geospatial Analysis, Katharine M. Johnson
Investigating Simple Shear Mechanics of Bovine Cartilage Using a Triaxial Shear Test Machine, Stephany Santos
Investigating Social Effects in Online Networks Through Triadic Analysis, Huda Alhazmi
Investigating the Host Range Adaptability of Aeromonas veronii Using Comparative Genomics and Mutational Analysis, Sophie M. Colston
Investigating Unit Stream Power and Drainage Capture in the Upper Dajia River, Taiwan using Geomorphic Indices, Lindsey C. Belliveau
Investigation of the Structural and Functional Dynamics of the TIM23 Protein Import Machinery, Ketan Malhotra
Investigations on Magnetoelectric Bulk and Nanocomposite Materials, Austin McDannald
In Vitro Characterization of MSH2-MSH6 and MLH1-PMS2 interactions, Nilse Lene G. Dos Santos
Ion-Containing Diels-Alder Poly(phenylene)s: Chemistry, Physical and Transport Properties, and Vanadium Redox Flow Battery Performance, Timothy D. Largier
Iron Addiction In Tumor Initiating Cells: A Novel Therapeutic Target In Ovarian Cancer, Debargha Basuli
Irony, Ángel Oquendo
Irreducible Modules over KLR Algebras of Twisted Affine Type, Tze-Chun Ou
Issues in the Design of Formulary Apportionment in the Context of NAFTA, Richard Pomp
Is the Grass Always Greener? Assessing Lawn Care Practices of Connecticut Residents, Syma A. Ebbin
Is the Maxwell construction correct in predicting the van der Waals fluid's vapor pressure?, Carl W. David
Is There a Steroids Problem - The Problematic Character of the Case for Regulation, Lewis Kurlantzick
It’s All Fun and Games Until . . . Exploring Immersion into Sexually Objectifying and Violent Video Games, Jessica M. LaCroix
It's Conflict All the Way Down, Michael Fischl
It's Not About the Fox: The Untold History of Pierson v. Post, Bethany Berger
Jamais Vu, Dennis Marcial
Jane Minot Sedgwick II and the World of American Catholic Converts, 1820-1890, Erin M. Bartram
John Marshall as an American Original: Some Thoughts on Personality and Judicial Statesmanship, R. Kent Newmyer
John Marshall, McCulloch v. Maryland, and the Southern States' Rights Tradition, R. Kent Newmyer
Judicial Policy - Making and the Peculiar Function of Law, Richard Kay
Justice and the Outsider: Jurisdiction Over NonMembers in Tribal Legal Systems, Bethany Berger
Justice Joseph Story on Circuit and a Neglected Phase of American Legal History, R. Kent Newmyer
Justice Joseph Story's Doctrine of Public and Private Corporations and the Rise of the American Business Corporation, R. Kent Newmyer
Justice Joseph Story, the Charles River Bridge Case and the Crisis of Republicanism, R. Kent Newmyer
Just Like Any Other Court: The European Court of Human Rights as a Political Institution, Allyson Yankle
Just Semantics: The Lost Readings of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Jill Anderson
Knicks-Heat and the Appropriateness of Sanctions in Sport, Lewis Kurlantzick
Know Your Feelings and Desires: Targeted Emotional Education as a Vehicle for Improving Safe Sex Health Messages, Sara B. Picklesimer
Labor Law, the Left, and the Lure of the Market, Michael Fischl
La culpa la tiene Derrida: La praxis deconstrucionista de Buitrago y sus implicaciones en mi quehacer archivístico, Marisol Ramos
Lagrangian Approach to Modeling the Biodynamics of the Upper Extremity: Applications to Collegiate Baseball Pitching, Matthew J. Solomito
Latinos College Access: Effect of Cultural, Social, and Human Capital on Enrollment within the Metropolitan Area, Carissa Rutkauskas
La Voz, Fall 2015, El Instituto: Institute of Latina/o, Caribbean, and Latin American Studies
La Voz, Spring 2015, El Instituto: Institute of Latina/o, Caribbean, and Latin American Studies
La Voz, Spring 2016, El Instituto: Institute of Latina/o, Caribbean, and Latin American Studies
Law and Society Perspectives in the Basic Law School Curriculum: Critique of an Interdisciplinary Experiment in Freshman Contracts, Lewis Kurlantzick
Law/Text/Past, Steven Wilf
Lawyers and Conscience, Thomas Morawetz
Lawyers in Cyberspace: The Impact of Legal Listservs on the Professional Development and Ethical Decisionmaking of Lawyers, Leslie Levin
Lay Theories of Morality in the Lives of Moral Exemplars, Atilla Cidam
League of Ownership of Teams, Conflicts of Interest, and Personnel Exchanges, Lewis Kurlantzick
Learning Delays in a Mouse Model of Autism Spectrum Disorder, Amanda R. Rendall
Learning Through Uncertainty: A Phenomenological Study of Older, Professional Men Coping with Involuntary Job Loss, Brian Hentz
Learning to Lead: Exploring How 1st-6th Year Teachers Develop Informal Leadership, Thomas Levine, Patrick Mulcahy, John Bengston, Andrew Didden, Abigail Esposito, Alexander Valacer, Miranda Rich, Dan Seara, Brian Colantonio, Andrew Dombrowski, Justis Lopez, Colin Schlank, and Daniel Wilson
Legal and Moral Duty in Game Theory: Common Law Contract and Chinese Analogies, Robert Birmingham
Letal Enemigo, Alfonsina C. Crisostomo-Isaacs
Liability Insurance and Gun Violence, Peter Kochenburger
Liability of Computer Bulletin Board Operators for Defamation Posted by Others, Loftus Becker
Liberalism and Republicanism: in Federal Indian Law, Bethany Berger
Liberalism's Ambivalence, Anne Dailey
Liking to Be in America: Puerto Rico's Quest for Difference in the United States, Ángel Oquendo
Limited Liability and Corporate Groups, Phillip Blumberg
Liouville-Type Theorems for Higher Order Elliptic Systems, Frank Arthur
Literacy Across Disciplines: An Investigation of Text Used in Content-Specific Classrooms, Pam McDonald
Literary Soundscapes: Nationalism and U.S. Literature, 1890-1940, Shawn M. Higgins
Living Shorelines, Juliana Barrett
Loading and Decay of Ions from a Linear Paul Trap, James E. Wells
Localization and Investigation of Secondary Metabolite Producing Styela clava-Associated Streptomyces Bacteria, James deMayo
Location Inference of Social Media Posts at Hyper-Local Scale, Brian D. McClanahan
Lochner for Women: The Ideology of Separate Spheres in Muller v. Oregon, Anne Dailey
Long-term Feeding Ecology of Early-stage Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis) and American Shad (Alosa sapidissima) in the Hudson River Estuary, Michael G. Smircich
Looking at Law, Carol Weisbrod
Low-Energy Impact of Human Cartilage: Predictors for Fracturing the Network of Collagen, Bilal Kaleem
Machine Learning and Optimization Algorithms for Fault Diagnosis and Prognosis in Automotive Systems, Chaitanya Sankavaram
Magnetic Materials for Biomedical Applications, Michael E. Zilm
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Diagnosis of Volvulus through Mesenteric Defect in Neonate, Mohammed Al-Qaraghouli, Naveed Hussain, and Christine Finck
Maine's Ancient Law and Legal Theory, Stephen Utz
Maintaining Consistent Thermal Profiles of High Conductivity Materials Produced via Electron Beam Melting, Christian Barr
Malware Collection and Analysis via Hardware Virtualization, Tamas K. Lengyel
Marvin Chirelstein: A Tribute, Richard Pomp
Mass Spectrometry-Based Approaches for Targeted Quantitative Proteomics in Biomarker Development, Mary Joan Castillo
Measuring and Modeling Oceanic Air-Sea Fluxes, Aaron M. Rosenberg
Measuring Segregation Patterns and Change: a Co-Location Quotient Approach, Natalia Vorotyntseva
Mechanical Behavior of Hybrid Glass/Steel Reinforced Epoxy Composites, Amanda McBride
Mechanical Integrity and Fabrication of Carbon Nanotube/Copper-based Through Silicon Via, Ibrahim E. Awad
Mechanical Stimulation and Stiffness Characterization Device for Electrospun Cell Culture Scaffolds, Soliman A. Alhudaithy
Mechanisms of Modulation of Ventral Surface Chemoreceptors and Respiratory Drive, Joanna M. Hawryluk
Mechanisms Of Particle Retention and Selection in Suspension-Feeding Bivalves, Maria Rosa
Mechanistic Investigation of Factors Affecting Electrostatic and Hydrodynamic Behavior of Proteins in Formulations at Low Ionic Strength, Mariya A. Pindrus
Melting and Crystallization of Si and Ge2Sb2Te5 Nanostructures, Adam D. Cywar
Meridiano intelectual transatlántico: España en la configuración del campo de producción cultural argentino (1900-1950), Lucia Garcia Santana
Mesoporous Manganese Oxide Materials for Aerobic Oxidation Reactions, Sourav Biswas
Message Features that Advance the Cognitive and Affective Processing of Fast Food Warnings, Tao Ma
Metal Oxides as Electrocatalysts at Oxygen Electrodes in Electrochemical Systems, Shuai Zhao
Metaphor and Method: How Not to Think about Constitutional Interpretation, Thomas Morawetz
Methods for Efficient Data Access and Communication in Many-core Architectures, Farrukh Hijaz
mHealth Risk Screening in Urban Primary Care, Martha R. Staeheli
Micheal Perry's Right to Religious Freedom, Richard Kay
Microglial Responses in Recovery after Intracerebral Hemorrhage, Roslyn Taylor
microRNA-433 Inhibits Glucocorticoid and TGF-β Signaling: Impacts on Osteoblast Circadian Rhythm, Commitment, and Differentiation, Spenser Scott Smith
Microstructure and Rheology of Carbon Nanotubes at Air-Water Interfaces, Charles D. Young
Mimus Polyglottos, Matthew Ryan Shelton
Minorities and Diversities: The Remarkable Experiment of the League of Nations, Carol Weisbrod
Misreading like a Lawyer: Cognitive Bias in Statutory Interpretation, Jill Anderson
Modeling and Computationally Efficient Algorithms for Analysis of Battery Equalization Systems, Chen Zhou
Modeling Heterogeneity in Growth Mixture Models: A Case Study of Model Selection using Direct Behavior Rating, Janice Kooken
Modeling Human Behavior using Machine Learning Algorithms, Asma Ahmad Farhan
Modeling Neurodevelopmental Disorders Involving Genomic Imprinting at Human Chromosome 15q11-q13 Using iPSC and CRISPR/Cas9 Technology, Pin-Fang Chen
Modeling Site Suitability of Living Shoreline Design Options in Connecticut, Jason M. Zylberman
Model of Criminal Process Game Theory and Law, Robert Birmingham
Modern Lights, Sara Bronin
Modulating the Release of Therapeutic Agents from PLGA Coated Cancellous Allografts, Seth Malinowski
Modulation of Homosynaptic and Heterosynaptic Plasticity by Adenosine in Layer 2/3 Pyramidal Neurons of the Rat Visual Cortex in Vitro., Nicholas M. Bannon
Modules from Tilted to Cluster-Tilted Algebras, Stephen M. Zito
Modules Over Rank 2 KLR Algebras, Jonathan Brian Judge
Molecular Mechanisms Regulating the Calcium-Activated Slow Afterhyperpolarization, Kwang S. Kim
Money Within a Direct Search Framework, Ping Mum Ang
Monitoring of Breathing Activity using Smartphone-acquired Signals, Bersain A. Reyes
Monte Carlo Applications and Lattice QCD, Jacob L. Scott
Moral Turpitude, Julia Simon-Kerr
Motion and Noise Artifact Detection and Vital Signal Reconstruction in ECG/PPG based Wearable Devices, Seyed Mohamad Amin Salehizadeh
Mozart's Keyboard Fantasies in Historical Context, Hyun Ju Jang
MPRE Reconsidered, The, Leslie Levin
Multi-color Reflectance Imaging of Middle Ear Pathology In Vivo, Tulio A. Valdez, Kaitlyn Longo, Christopher Grindle, and Donald Peterson
Multi-Modal Outcomes from Interpersonal Need (Un)Fulfillment: The Emotional, Cognitive and Behavioral Derivatives of Consecutive Social Contingencies, Kyle Steven Hull
Multiple Nationality and Refugees, Jon Bauer
Muzzling Antitrust: Information Products, Innovation and Free Speech, Hillary Greene
NAFTA's Procedural Narrow-Mindedness: The Panel Review of Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Determinations under Chapter Nineteen, Ángel Oquendo
Nahua Perspectives on Natural Resources, Labor, and Social Well-Being, Alejandra P. Navarro-Benbow
National Culture in Post-National Societies, Ángel Oquendo
National Fiduciary Accounting Study, Robert Whitman
Naval Missions and the Law of the Sea, Mark Weston Janis
Neoliberalism, Finance, and Income Inequality: An Examination of Affluent Capitalist Democracies, Allen T. Hyde
New Data from Old Place: Archaeological Investigations at the Old Place Neck Site, Staten Island, New York, Oralee A. Elquist
New Definition of Seniority System Violations under Title VII: He Who Seeks Equity..., Stephen Utz
Nonnative Phonetic Learning in Adults with and without Language Impairment, Frances S. Earle
Non-Per Se Treatment of Buyer Price-Fixing in Intellectual Property Settings, Hillary Greene
Notions of Self and Nation in French Author-Aviators of World War II: From Myth to Ambivalence, Christopher Kean
Novel Ceramic Surface Treatment To Enhance Restoration Durability, Konstantinos Vazouras
Novel Methods of Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry for Quantitative Investigation of Bacteria-derived Lipopeptides and Their Relationship with Human Disease, Reza Nemati Josheghani
Obscene Gestures: Sexual Transgression and Late Twentieth-Century American Political Culture, Patrick S. Lawrence
Obscuring the Standard for Aiding and Abetting Liability, Joseph DeGirolamo
Occupational Stressors and Health Outcomes for Nurses Working in Correctional or Non-Correctional Settings, Alyssa R. Zabin
Occurrence, Fate and Distribution Behaviors of Organic Contaminants, Perfluorinated Alkyl Acids and Phthalic Acid Esters, in Wastewater Effluent and the Housatonic River Estuary., Joanne A. Elmonznino
On Assessing the Court in History: Some Comments on the Roper and Burke Articles, R. Kent Newmyer
On Conduits and Voices, Thomas Morawetz
On Evidences and Intentions: The More Proof, the More Doubt, Carol Weisbrod
Online Updating Methods for Big Data Streams, Chun Wang
On the Expressive Functions of Family Law, Carol Weisbrod
On the Moral Dimensions of Vulnerability and Exploitation, Michael J. Robillard
On the Presence/Absence of TP: Syntactic Properties and Temporal Interpretation, Neda Todorovic
On the Systematic Design and Analysis of Artificial Molecular Machines, Pouya Tavousi
On the Unique Value of Law School Clinics, Paul Chill
On the Use of the Linear Interaction Energy Method to Predict Affinities of Charged Aromatic Ammines to Naturally Occurring Clay Minerals, Milinda A. Samaraweera
On the Value of Prison Visits with Incarcerated Clients Represented on Appeal by a Law School Criminal Defense Clinic, Timothy Everett
On What a Rule Is, Robert Birmingham
Optimizations for Energy-Aware, High-Performance and Reliable Distributed Storage Systems, Cengiz Karakoyunlu
Optimizing Quality of Additively Manufactured Inconel 718 Using Powder Bed Laser Melting Process, Magda D. Sadowski
Original Intention and Public Meaning in Constitutional Interpretation, Richard Kay
Original Intentions, Standard Meanings and the Legal Character of the Constitution, Richard Kay
"Originalist" Values and Constitutional Interpretation, Richard Kay
Osmoregulatory Physiology and its Evolution in the Threespine Stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus), Jeffrey N. Divino
Overtime Work Hours, Health Behaviors and Health Outcomes for Correctional Officers: An Examination of Moderated Effects, Diana C. Tubbs
Overweight and Obesity in Persons Living with HIV: Stigma and Health, Dominica B. Hernandez
Pain Management Via Local Anesthetics and Responsive Hydrogels, Kyle R. Bagshaw, Curt L. Hanenbaum, Erica J. Carbone, Kevin WH Lo, Cato T. Laurencin, Joseph Walker, and Lakshmi S. Nair
Painter v. Bannister: Still, Carol Weisbrod
Paradigms, Assumptions, and Strategies: Royce and Method, Thomas Morawetz
Parental Care and Acoustic Communication of the Smooth Guardian Frog Limnonectes palavanensis, a Bornean Frog With Possible Sex-Role Reversal, Johana Goyes Vallejos
Parents' Involvement in their Preschoolers Public Education: Families of Children with and without Disabilities, Lauren E. Racine
Pension De-Risking, Brendan Maher
Perceived Self-Efficacy and Financial Incentives: Factors Affecting Health Behavior and Body Weight in Individuals with Overweight and Obesity, Julia Ann Simon
Persons without History: Liberal Theory and Human Experience, Thomas Morawetz
Phenological Responses of Deciduous Woody Plants to Climate Variability and Change from Individuals to Communities, Yingying Xie
Phonetic Retuning in Accented Speech: Is There a Role of Expectation?, Iliana Meza-Gonzalez
Phosphorylation State-dependent Interaction Between AKAP7δ/γ and Phospholamban Increases Phospholamban Phosphorylation., Marc Rigatti, Andrew V. Le, Claire Gerber, Ion I. Moraru, and Kimberly L. Dodge-Kafka
Photoemission Studies of Topological Insulators, Turgut Yilmaz
Phylogenetics, Secondary Wood Evolution and Diversification in Asian-Pacific Hedyotis-Oldenlandia Complex (Rubiaceae), Suman Neupane
Physical Activity: Lack of Mitigation of Adverse Effect of Pro-Inflammatory Diet, Aivi T. Doan
Physical Interaction-Process driven Investigation of Quantum Mechanics, Michael Ambroselli
Physicians’ Perceived Roles in and Barriers to Identifying, Evaluating, and Managing Intimate Partner Violence, Adam F. Pennarola
Place in Habits and Habits in Place, Robert E. Low
Plea Bargaining and the Supreme Court, Loftus Becker
Poetic Illiteracy and Cultural Insularity: The Crisis of Cultural Nationalism in Virgilio Piñera's La Isla en Peso, Stephen A. Cruikshank
Political Campaign Financing: Tax Incentives for Small Contributors, Ellen Ash Peters
Poor Maternal Nutrition During Gestation Alters Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC) Metabolism in Offspring, Nicole H. Sereda
Portraits of Resistance: Lawyer Responses to Unjust Proceedings, Alexandra Lahav
"Power Over this Unfortunate Race," Race, Power and Indian Law in U.S. v. Rogers, Bethany Berger
Practical Polyphony: Theories of the State and Feminist Jurisprudence, Carol Weisbrod
Preconstitutional Rule, Richard Kay
Prediction of Internal Body Temperature using Machine Learning Models, Luke N. Belval
Predictive Modeling of a Two-stage Gearbox towards Fault Detection, Edward J. Diehl
Predictors of Litter Pollution in Suburban Parks, Ilanna Gibson
Prejudice and Discrimination in U.S. Graduate Geography Programs: Reports from Domestic and International Students, Karen C. Johnson
Preliminary Reflections on the Establishment of a Mediation Clinic, James Stark
Preliminary Reflections on the Professional Development of Solo and Small Law Firm Practitioners, Leslie Levin
Prepared Practitioners: An Evaluation of the Professional Development Experiences of Sport-Based Youth Development Practitioners, Danielle A. DeRosa
Preparing for the Future of Probate in America, Robert Whitman
Preschool Predictors of School-Age Academic Achievement in Autism Spectrum Disorder, Lauren Miller
Prevalence of Clostridium difficile in Retail Meat and Controlling its Virulence using Carvacrol and Trans-cinnamaldehyde, SHANKUMAR MOOYOTTU
Preventive Health Care among Immigrant Sudanese Women in the Greater Hartford Area of Connecticut, Fawatih Y. Mohamed-Abouh
Pristine Graphene as a Two-Dimensional Surfactant, Steven J. Woltornist
Privacy Preserving Data Sharing and Processing, Ozgur Oksuz
Prize Contingency Management for Smoking Cessation: A Randomized Trial, Nancy M. Petry and Sheila M. Alessi
Proactive Decision Support for Intelligent Routing of Unmanned Aerial Systems in Dynamic and Uncertain Mission Environments, bala kishore nadella
Procuring Swords for Plowshares: Congressional Use of Strategic Weapons Acquisition to Influence U.S. Arms Control Negotiations, Kevin M. Generous
Protein-Polymer Nanocomposites for Enzymatic Catalysis in Hostile Media, Omkar V. Zore
Protest and Police Violence, in Black and White: Racial Differences in the Allocation of Attention, Mora A. Reinka
Providing Information to Beneficiaries (with Sample Forms), Robert Whitman
Proving Miracles and the First Amendment, Robert Birmingham
Public Debt in the United States and Germany: A Constitutional Perspective, Stephen Utz
Public Performance Right in Recordings: How to Alter the Copyright System Without Improving It, Lewis Kurlantzick
Pulmonary Primary Blast Injuries, Moe Uddin
QM/MM Calculations of Spectral Tuning in Squid Rhodopsin, Jennifer Pardus
Quantifying Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition to U.S. Waterways, Xuanwen Chen
Quantum Dot Based Multi-Bit FETs and Memories, Murali Krishna Lingalugari
Queering Inheritance: Alternative Genealogies in Irish and Indian English Women’s Writing, Tara C. Harney-Mahajan
Questions for Amara Lakhous: A Translated Interview, Simone Puleo and Fabiana Viglione
Rational Design and Enabling of High Performance Nano-arrays for Environmental Catalysis, Zheng Ren
Readability, Contracts of Recurring Use, and the Problem of Ex Post Judicial Governance of Health Insurance Polices, John Aloysius Cogan, Jr.
Real System Features and Implications in Underwater Acoustic Networks, Lina Pu
Real-Time Hybrid Substructuring For System Level Vibration Testing Of Mechanical Equipment, Joseph A. Franco III
Reason Giving in Court Practice: Decision- Makers at the Crossroads, Mathilde Cohen
Rebalancing TRIPS, Molly Land
Reconciling Equal Protection and Federal Indian Law, Bethany Berger
Reconciling with the Past: John Willis and the Question of Judicial Review in Inter-War and Post-War England, Peter Lindseth
Reconstructing the Criminal Defenses: The Significance of Justification, Thomas Morawetz
Recovering the Social Value of Jurisdictional Redundancy, Alexandra Lahav
Re-discovery of Health Self-care Among Homeless Men and Women After an Incarceration Experience, Theresa Kapetanovic
Rediscovery of Self-Care for Incarcerated Persons with Diabetes, Louise Reagan, Deborah Shelton, and Elizabeth Anderson
Red: Racism and the American Indian, Bethany Berger
Reduced Mechanism Validation and Analysis Near Extinction Limits of Perfectly Stirred Reactors, Brian J. Magda
Reducing Pollen Dispersal using Forest Windbreaks, Carol Auer, Thomas Meyer, and Vernie Sagun
Reducing the STEM Gender Achievement Gap: Investigating Factors Influencing Female Students’ Major Choices, Shiyu Song
Reflections on Proposals for Corporate Reform through Change in the Composition of the Board of Directors: Special Interest or Public Directors, Phillip Blumberg
Reflections on the New Haven School, Molly Land
Regional campus learning commons: assessing to meet student needs, Nancy H. Dryden and Shelley Goldstein
Region Codes and Human Rights, Molly Land
Rehydration on Subsequent Performance and Recovery Following Exercise-Induced Dehydration: Ad Libitum Versus Prescribed Fluid Replacement, William M. Adams
Re-Imagining the Latino/a Race, Ángel Oquendo
Relating Individual And Training Load Factors To Adaptations Over The Collegiate Men’s Soccer Season, David Looney
Relationship of Perceived Thirst to Measures of Hydration During and Following Exercise, Lesley W. Vandermark
Relationships of Parent-Infant Contacts and Postpartum Depressive Symptoms in Mothers of Preterm Infants in the NICU: A Mixed Methods Approach, Victoria Vazquez
Remarks on Probability in Law: Mostly, a Casenote and a Book Review, Robert Birmingham
Repatriating Foreign Earnings to Meet Analysts’ Forecasts, Andrew Duxbury
Research Support Study: Agriculture; University of Connecticut Local Report, Carolyn V. Mills and Sharon Giovenale
Resolution Procedures to Resolve Trust Beneficiary Complaints, Robert Whitman
Rethinking the Character and Fitness Inquiry, Leslie Levin
Rethinking the Tripartite Division of American Work Law, Michael Fischl
Retributivism and Justice, Thomas Morawetz
Retroactivity and Prospectivity of Judgmments in American Law, Richard Kay
Retroactivity: What Can We Learn from the Odd Case of Michael Skakel, Lewis Kurlantzick
Retrofitting Unemployment Insurance to Cover Temporary Workers, Sachin Pandya
Review Essay, the Model Rules of Professional Conduct, James Stark
Revisiting Community Water Fluoridation, Jessica Marie Seyfried
Revisiting the FencePlot for the Maxwell Construction of a van der Waals Fluid, Carl W. David
Revocation and Revival: An Analysis of the 1990 Revision of the Uniform Probate Code and Suggestions for the Future, Robert Whitman
Rites without Rights: A Tale of Two Military Commissions, Alexandra Lahav
RLT-S: A Web System for Record Linkage, Robert H. Aseltine, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, and Abdullah-Al Mamun
ROBOPHTHALMOTROPE A Biologically Inspired Mechatronic Platform to Study Sensorimotor Control, George A. Korentis
Robust Scan Statistics for Detecting a Local Change in Population Mean, Qianzhu Wu
Rule-Making Authority and Separation of Powers in Connecticut, The, Richard Kay
Russia and the Legality of Strasbourg Law, Mark Weston Janis
Salt-Water Aging, Bonding, and In-Service Performance of a Novel Poured Silicone Expansion Joint Sealant for Small Movement Bridges, Dominic Kruszewski
Schwarzschild Spacetime and Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker Cosmology, Zachary Cohen
Schwarzschild Spacetime and Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker Cosmology, Zachary Cohen
Seeking the Constituent Signal: Exit Poll Measures of Public Opinion and Dynamic Congressional Responsiveness, Clifford D. Vickrey
Selected Materials on Corporate Social Responsibility, Phillip Blumberg
Selective Conscientious Objection: Divine Will and Legislative Grace, Hugh MacGill
Self-Assembled Biocompatible Polymers at Interfaces, Reihaneh Mohammadi Sejoubsari 4864900
Self-Care Behaviors of Women Living with Heart Failure: A Mixed Methods Study, Susan Bartos
Self-Determination Theory and Risk Behavior in a Collectivistic Society: Preventing Reckless Driving in Urban Nepal, Yerina Ranjit
Self-Efficacy of Middle School Teachers Responsible for Teaching Struggling Readers, Alison Burdick
Self, Others, and Section 7: Mutualism and Protected Protest Activities under the National Labor Relations Act, Michael Fischl
Semi-automated Ultrasensitive Electrochemical Microfluidic Immunoarray for On-line Capture and Detection of Cancer Protein Biomarkers, Brunah Akinyi Otieno
Sensory and Cognitive Influences on Lexical Competition in Spoken Word Recognition in Younger and Older Listeners, Alexis R. Johns
Serine Dipeptide Lipid and Prostaglandin E2 Recovery in Pulps and Tooth Apices: Relationship to Pulpal Status, Aniuska Tobin
Serum Amyloid A3 (Saa3) Regulates IL-1β Release from Pre-Osteoclasts, Trisha K. Kwarko
Shareholder Activism and Its Long Term Effects, Louis Beck
Significance of Polyphenol Metabolism in Explaining the Bioactivity of Polyphenol-rich Foods, Liyang Xie
Signing Exact English: Providing a Complete Model of English for Literacy Growth, Deborah Stryker, Diane Nielsen, and Barbara Luetke
Simulation and Analysis of Gradient Frequency Neural Networks, AmirAli Farokhniaee
Simulation Guided Synthesis and Processing of Polymer Dielectrics, Rui Ma
Sincerity and Reason-Giving: When May Legal Decision Makers Lie, Mathilde Cohen
Single Cell Resolution Mapping of mRNA and Protein Expression Dynamics During Human Somatic Cell Reprogramming to Pluripotency, Frederick W. Kolling IV
Six Degrees of Separation: From Derivative Suits to Shareholder Class Actions, Ángel Oquendo
Smad4 and Transforming Growth Factor β Regulate the CD8 T Cell Response to Influenza Virus Infection, Yinghong Hu
Social Capital, Creativity and Cultural Vitality: Prioritization Factors for Sustainable Public Space Systems Design, Rachel D. Gilroy
Social Dynamics of Leadership: Is There Value in Considering Multi-source Feedback Ratings from a Social Relations Model Perspective?, Andrea M. Bizarro
Socially Mediated Mathematical Strategies in a Dynamic Multi-Touch Geometry Environment, Stephen Hegedus and Yenny Otálora
Social Support and Community College Student Academic Persistence, Debra Zavatkay
Soia Mentschikoff and Karl Llewellyn: Moving together to the University of Chicago Law School, Robert Whitman
Solar Rights, Sara Bronin
Solar Rights for Texas Property Owners, Sara Bronin
Some Thoughts on Health Care Exchanges: Choice, Defaults, and the Unconnected, Brendan Maher
Some Thoughts on Herb Johnson's Favorite Court, R. Kent Newmyer
Soot and PAH Formation in Counterflow Non-Premixed Flames: Atmospheric Butane and Butanol Isomers, and Elevated-Pressure Ethylene, Pradeep K. Singh
Sorption of Organic Cations to Aluminosilicate Clay Minerals and Soils, William C. Jolin
Sorting out Receipts and Releases, Robert Whitman
So, You Want an X-Y Table?, Michael J. Bennett
Spatiotemporal meta-analysis: Reviewing health psychology phenomena over space and time., Blair T. Johnson
Specialty Bars as a Site of Professionalism: The Immigration Bar Example, Leslie Levin
Spectral Analysis of X-Ray Emission Mechanisms in Local Astrophysical Environments, Bradford T. Snios
Spectroscopic and Theoretical Characterization of Retinylidene Proteins and Biological Chromophores for Use in Biophotonic Applications, Jordan A. Greco
Speculating the Child Citizen, Zara Rix
Stability Of Norwalk Virus Capsid Protein Interfaces Evaluated By In Silico Nanoindentation, Prakhar Bansal
Stabilization by Noise of Systems of Complex-Valued ODEs, Fan Ny Shum
Stable Isotopic Evidence for Landscape Environmental Reconstructions, Kapthurin Formation, Kenya, David E. Leslie
Stagnation of Secondary Student Achievement: An examination of the Instructional Core, Joseph Peter Macary
State Corporate Income Taxes: The Illogical Deduction for Income Taxes Paid to Other States, Richard Pomp
State-Federal Judicial Relationships: A Report from the Trenches, Ellen Ash Peters
State Tax Reform for the Eighties: The New York Tax Study Commission, Richard Pomp
State Tax Reform: Proposals for Wisconsin, Richard Pomp
St. Mary's Honor Center v. Hicks: Questioning the Basic Assumption, Deborah Calloway
Straight from the Mouth of the Volcano: The Lowdown on Law, Language, and Latin@S, Ángel Oquendo
Strain and Dislocations in Nitride-Based Heterostructures, Johanna Raphael
Strengthening Public Health through Web-Based Data Query Systems, Manik Ahuja
Structural Insight into the Mechanisms of Activation and Substrate Specificity of Human Deubiquitinating Enzyme USP7, Alexandra Pozhidaeva
Study of Seal Glass for Sodium Sulfur Batteries, Gyuho Song
Subphonemic Sensitivity in Low Literacy Adults, Monica Y.C. Li
Surface Chemistry with Machine Learning and Quantum Mechanics, Venkatesh Botu
Surface Plasmon Resonance and Electrochemical Microarrays for Multiplexed Protein Detection, Amit Joshi
Survey of 2000 through 2002 Second Circuit Construction Law Decisions, Timothy Fisher
Susanna and the Elders: A Note on the Regulation of Families, Carol Weisbrod
Symmetry and Class Action Litigation, Alexandra Lahav
Synthesis and Applications of New Septanoses and Their Derivatives, Raghu Vannam
Synthesis and Characterization of Transition Metal Oxide Catalysts for Environmental and Energy Storage Applications, Wenqiao Song
Synthesis and Modification of Pristine Graphene Composites, Jennifer Bento
Synthesis of Crystalline, Mesoporous Metal Oxide Catalysts for Environmental and Energy Applications, Zhu Luo
Synthesis of Dual Rod-coil Brush Polymers and Their Solution Properties, xixian ye
System Adjustments, Brendan Maher
Systematics of Elatine L. (Elatinaceae), Hamid Razifard
Taking Swarms to the Field: Decentralized Algorithms for Underwater Swarms, Sherif Ahmed Tolba
Tax Collection from Estates of Nonresidents, Robert Whitman
Taxes and the 2008 US Election, Stephen Utz
Tax Harmonization and Coordination in Europe and America, Stephen Utz
Tax Reform in the Aftermath of the Financial Crisis, Stephen Utz
Teacher Effects on Kindergarten Students’ Vocabulary Learning, Maritherese Cuticelli
Technological and Managerial Gaps in the Adoption of Improved Groundnut Seed Varieties in Uganda, Neha Paliwal
Technology Triage: Assessing and Managing Library Systems and Projects, Michael Rodriguez
Temperature variability and multiple environmental stressors: how will tadpole performance change with our climate?, Diana C. Macklem, Tracy A. G. Rittenhouse, Ashley M. Helton, Jason H. O'Connor, and Jaron T. Kolek
Testing the Radical Experiment: A Study of Lawyer Response to Clients Who Intend to Harm Others, Leslie Levin
Testing the Sea Level Hypothesis with New Records along the Southern East Pacific Rise and Pacific Antarctic Ridge, Emily I. Seeley
The 2013 Boston Marathon Attacks: An Experimental Investigation of Worldview Change Following Film Re-Exposure to Mass Trauma, Ian A. Gutierrez
The American Reception of Gabriel Fauré: From Francophile Boston, 1892‒1945, to the Broader Postwar Mainstream, Heather de Savage
The Association between Dietary Antioxidants and Prostate Cancer Aggressiveness, Terrence M. Vance
The Association of Ethnic-Racial Socialization with Ethnic-Racial Identity in Black Youth: A Meta-Analysis, Khris-Ann K. Small
The Audio Home Recording Act of 1992 and the Formation of Copyright Policy, Lewis Kurlantzick
The Bichromatic Force in Multi-Level Systems, Leland Aldridge
The Canadian Constitution and the Dangers of Establishment, Richard Kay
The Carols of the Ritson Manuscript, BL Add. 5665, at Exeter Cathedral: Repertory and Context, Anastasia S. Pilato
The Case for Environmental Trade Sanctions, Richard Parker
The Case for Trial by Formula, Alexandra Lahav
The Changing Education and Role of Lawyers, Ellen Ash Peters
The Co-evolution of CAL1 and CENP-A Mediates Centromere Divergence in Drosophila, Leah F. Rosin
The Colonial Remix: Power and Language in Colonial and Digital Spaces, Susana Aho
The Common Law Tradition, Mark Weston Janis
The Comparative and the Critical Perspective in International Agreements, Ángel Oquendo
The Constitutionality of State Law Protection of Sound Recordings, Lewis Kurlantzick
The Consumer as King: The Economics of Precarious Sovereignty, Robert Birmingham
The Continuity of the Enterprise Doctrine: Corporate Successorship in United States Law, Phillip Blumberg
The Corporate Entity in an Era of Multinational Corporations, Phillip Blumberg
The Corporate Personality in American Law: A Summary Review, Phillip Blumberg
The Creation of Constitutions in Canada and the United States, Richard Kay
The Cult Novel: Three Paradigmatic Cases—L’Immoraliste, Bonjour Tristesse, Extension du Domaine de la Lutte, Joseph A. Barreira
The Deanship, Ellen Ash Peters
The Death (and Taxes) of a Partner, Stephen Utz
The Development of European Regional Law of the Sea, Mark Weston Janis
The Disclosure of State Corporate Income Tax Data: Turning the Clock Back to the Future, Richard Pomp
The Driver of the Carbon Isotope Minima During the Last Deglaciation: A Weakened Biological Pump or Enhanced Southern Ocean Circulation?, Melissa C. Cote
The Duty to Disclose and the Prisoner's Dilemma: Laidlaw v. Organ, Robert Birmingham
The Effect of Fuel and Air Side Contaminants in a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell and Methods for Mitigation, Eric G. Leamon
The effect of landlocking on intestinal aquaporin 1 expression in Alosa pseudoharengus (alewife), Emily Funk
The Effect of Sleep Quality and High Intensity Physical Activity on Inflammation and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in College Students, Catherine Abraham
The Effect of Varying Intensity Levels of LIPUS (Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound) On The Rate of Orthodontic Tooth Movement in Mice, Afsaneh Rangiani
The Effect of Vitamin D on Blood Pressure at Rest and in Response to a Peak Graded Exercise Test, Braden Armstrong
The Effect of Yoga on Attention in Students Diagnosed with ADHD, Andrew Petsche
The Effects of Ion Substitution on Perovskite Film Degradation in Controlled Humidity Environments, Eric David Grulke
The Effects of Nicotine on Conditioning, Extinction, and Reinstatement in Humans Using a Virtual Reality Conditioned Place Preference Paradigm, Alexandra N. Palmisano
The Efficacy of Strasbourg Law, Mark Weston Janis
The Emergence of the Zika, Chikungunya, and Dengue Viruses in Brazil, the Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico, Nelson Xavier Del Pilar
The Empirical Roots of the 'Regulatory Reform' Movement: A Critical Appraisal, Richard Parker
The Epidemiology of Critique, Michael Fischl
The Epistemology of Judging: Wittgenstein and Deliberative Practices, Thomas Morawetz
The Equal Protection Clause in the Supreme Court, 1873-1903, Richard Kay
The Essential Elements of Adolescent-Friendly Care in School-Based Health Centers: A Mixed Methods Study of the Perspectives of Nurse Practitioners and Adolescents, Alison Moriarty Daley
The European Human Rights System as a System of Law, Richard Kay
The Examination of Medical Coverage, Emergency Policies and Procedures, and the Implementation of Prevention Strategies Before and After Sudden Death in the Secondary School Setting, Joseph M. Olivadoti
The Experience of the Phillipines in Taxing Its Nonresident Citizens, Richard Pomp
The Generality of Neutral Principles: A Game- Theoretic Perspective, Robert Birmingham
The Geometry of Spacetime and its Singular Nature, Filip Dul
The Histone Methyltransferase Ezh2 Regulates Cell Cycle and Oligodendrocyte Differentiation From NG2 Cells, Kiran D. Patel
The Hyperplasticity Hypothesis: Speech Encoding and Plasticity in Typical and Dyslexic Readers, Stephanie N. Del Tufo
The Illegality of the Constitution, Richard Kay
The Impact of Infant Sleep on Maternal Health Behaviors, Megan M. Clarke
The Impact of Social Class in the Hiring Process, Nicole CJ Young
The Impacts of Surface Conditions on Sea Breezes over Coastal Connecticut, Eric Zachary Sinsky
The In-Between Places Where Children Are Socialized, Anne Dailey
The Influence of Cognitive Interference and Anxiety on Working Memory and Performance Validity Tests, Caitlin V. Dombrowski
The Influence of Resting Blood Pressure on Muscle Strength in Healthy Adults, Adam R. Blanchard
The Influence of the Facial Pattern on Bone Density Pre and Post Orthodontic Treatment, Kristen M. Knecht
The Influence of the Quality of Radiographs and Training on the Reproducibility of the Cervical Vertebrae Maturation Method, Anfal Khajah
The Influence of Word Form on the Acquisition of Meaning: An Adult Visual Word Learning Study, Karen A. Aicher
The Inter- and Intra-Rater Reliability of Athletic Trainers at Identifying ACL Injury Risk Factors Using the Cutting Screening Tool, Kelly Buckholz Smallbeck
The Interpretation of International Maritime Conventions in United States Law, Mark Weston Janis
The Interrelations between Work Factors, Family and Work Health Climate, Work Schedule, and Individual Behaviors, Jennifer C. Buden
The Invention of Legal Primitivism, Steven Wilf
The Jurisprudence of the Connecticut Constitution, Richard Kay
The Jury and Participatory Democracy, Alexandra Lahav
The Labor Dynamics of Skill Biased Technical Change, Matthew B. Ross
The Level, Slope, and Curve Factor Model for Stocks: Evidence, Theory, and Explanation, Charles Clarke
The Lived Experience of Brazilian Immigrants in Connecticut and Crimmigration, Walter John Belsito Jr.
The Making of the Post-War Paradigm in American Intellectual Property Law, Steven Wilf
The Mediterranean Diet and Cardiovascular Disease: A Multilevel Meta-Analysis, Julia E. Shook
The Microbiome of the Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin, 1791): Temporal and Spatial Variation, Environmental Influences, and its Impact on Host Physiology, Melissa L. Pierce
The Modulation of Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Toxicity as a Function of the Interplay between Uptake and Efflux Transporters, Renato J. Scialis
The Monopoly Myth and Other Tales About the Superiority of Lawyers, Leslie Levin
The Neutrality of Adherence to Precedent, Robert Birmingham
The New Oppenheim and its Theory of International Law, Mark Weston Janis
The Nixon Pardon: Limits on the Benign Prerogative, Hugh MacGill
The Once and Future Networked Self, Steven Wilf
Theory of Economic Policy and the Law of Torts, The, Robert Birmingham
The Other Side of the Picket Line: Contract, Democracy, and Power in a Law School Classroom, Michael Fischl
The Perceived Validity of Stereotype Threat as an Explanation for Underperformance, Gabriel Camacho
The Popular Invention of the Victorian Governess, 1815-2015, Christiana R. Salah
The Potentiating Effects of Acetaminophen on Oxidant Air Pollutant Sensory Irritation and the Onset of Asthma, Bennett J. Doughty
The Prevalence and Severity of Incidental Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthritic Changes in Implant Patients: A Cone Beam CT Study, Adel Alzahrani
The Problem of the Missing Witness: Toward an Educator-Facilitator Role for Labor Arbitrators, Lewis Kurlantzick
The Problem with Scorecards: How (and how not) to Measure the Cost-Effectiveness of Economic Sanctions, Richard Parker
The Prognostic Capability and Molecular Function of Duodenal Cytochrome B in Breast Cancer, David Lemler
The Promise and Perils of Renewable Energy on Tribal Lands, Sara Bronin
The Public's Right to Know: Disclosure in the Major American Corporation, Phillip Blumberg
The Question that Killed Critical Legal Studies, Michael Fischl
Therapeutic Targeting of the Inflammome, Kyle T. Wright, Charles Giardina, and Anthony T. Vella
The Receptacular Nectar Tubes of Pelargonium (Geraniaceae): A Study of Development, Length Variation, and Histology, Timothy Tsai
The Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Law: The Antelope's Penal Law Exception, Mark Weston Janis
The Rediscovery of Self-Care: A Model for Persons with Incarceration Experience, Deborah Shelton, Bill Barta, and Elizabeth Anderson
The Relationship Between Emotional Support and Health Related Self-Efficacy in Older Inmates, Deborah N. Steciak-Noujaim
The Relationship between Secondhand Tobacco Smoke Exposure and Asthma Severity among the Pediatric Population in Connecticut, Christtopher Hammel
The Research Assistant Pool in the Law Library, Darcy Kirk
There's Still Time to Get Your Feet Wet!, Valerie Cournoyer
The Role of Autonomy, Attachment, and Co-Construction in Early Adolescent Meaning Making, Amanda J. LeTard
The Role of Diversity of Academic Major in Influencing Group and Individual Creativity, Xiaochen Liu
The Role of N-Methyl D-Aspartate Receptors in the Development of the Human Cerebral Cortex, Inseyah Bagasrawala
The Role of Phenology in Invasive Plant Species Success in Temperate Forest Understories, Lindsay M. Dreiss
The Roles of Regional Law of the Sea, Mark Weston Janis
The Roles of the Phospholipid PIP2 in Regulating the Activities of KCNQ Voltage-Gated Potassium Channels, Kevin M. Duignan
The Seas and International Law: Rules and Rulers, Mark Weston Janis
The Secession Reference and the Limits of Law, Richard Kay
The Self Relevance Of Stigma: The Impact Of Weight Stigma On Normal Weight Women's Health Cognitions, Paige Martinez
The Solitude of Latin America: The Struggle for Rights South of the Border, Ángel Oquendo
The State Action Doctrine, the Public- Private Distinction, and the Independence of Constitutional Law, Richard Kay
The Symbiotic Green Algae, Oophila (Chlamydomonadales, Chlorophyceae): A Heterotrophic Growth Study and Taxonomic History, Nikolaus Schultz
The Transformation of Modern Corporation Law: The Law of Corporate Groups, Phillip Blumberg
The United States and International Law: The United Nations Finds a Home, Mark Weston Janis
The Use and Abuse of Trade Leverage to Protect the Global Commons: What We Can Learn from the Tuna-Dolphin Conflict, Richard Parker
The Use and Misuse of Interstate Tax Comparisons, Richard Pomp
The Use of Cone Beam in Private Dental Practices in the United States: Cost and Reporting Patterns, Andrew J. Pakchoian DDS
The Utility of International Criminal Courts, Mark Weston Janis
The Verdugo Case: The United States and the Comity of Nations, Mark Weston Janis
The War Crimes Trial: A Second Look, Robert Birmingham
The Wu Ming Foundation: A Collective Approach to Literature, Art, and Politics in 21st Century Italy, Melina A. Masterson
Thoughts on Professional Sports and the Antitrust Laws: Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum Commission v. National Football League, Lewis Kurlantzick
Three Empirical Essays in the U.S. Beer Industry, Omer Hoke
Three Essays on Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Sining Wang
Three Essays on Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, Rong Zhou
Three Essays on Households Consumption Patterns and Labeling, Madiha Zaffou
Three Essays on Institutions and Organizations, Matthew J. Histen Jr
Three Essays on Labor Market Transitions, Huanan Xu
Three Essays on the Costs and Economic Implications of Health Limits, Peijingran Yu
Three Essays on the Economics of Climate Change and Productivity, Food Supply, and Land Resource Conservation, Lingqiao Qi
Tissue Tests to Guide Fall Fertilization of Cool-Season Turfgrass Lawns, Kevin M. Miele
Towards a History of Essential Federalism: Another Look at Owen in America, Carol Weisbrod
Tracking in Several Real-World Scenarios, Kevin Romeo
Trade Secrets, Property, and Social Relations, Steven Wilf
Tragic Choices in Special Education: The Effect of Scarce Resources on the Implementation of Pub. L. No. 94-142, James Stark
Transition Metal Catalyzed Transformations of Strained Heterocycles, Christian A. Malapit
Transparent Problem-Based Learning Across the Disciplines in the Community College Context: Issues and Impacts, Franca Ferarri, Andreas Salis, Kostas Stroumbakis, Amy Traver, and Tanya Zhelecheva
Transport and Magnetic Properties of Ultrathin Magnetite Films Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Shoroog Wassel Alraddadi
Two Essays on the Effect of Alphanumeric Brand Names on Consumers’ Brand Related Decisions, Selcan Kara
Two Views of Class Action, Alexandra Lahav
Ultracold Trimer Ion Formation of Rb and K, Michael Cantara
Ultra-High Resolution Steady-State Micro-Thermometry Using a Bipolar Direct Current Reversal Technique, Jason Y. Wu
Ultrasonic Measurement of Fast Eye Movements, David Kaputa
Unchaste and Incredible: The Use of Gendered Conceptions of Honor in Impeachment, Julia Simon-Kerr
Undead Laws: The Use of Historically Unenforced Criminal Statutes in Non-Criminal Litigation, Hillary Greene
Underrepresentation of Minorities in Gifted and Talented Programs: A Content Analysis of Five District Program Plans, Jessica Stargardter
Understanding and Regulating the Sport of Mixed Martial Arts, Brendan Maher
Understanding Concurrency for Graph Workloads in Large Scale Multicores, Masab Ahmad
Understanding Disagreement, the Root Issue of Jurisprudence: Applying Wittgenstein to Positivism, Critical Theory, and Judging, Thomas Morawetz
Understanding the Regulation of UBE3A-ATS and the Process of UBE3A Imprinting Using iPSC Modeling and CRISPR/Cas9 Editing, Jack Shuo-Hung Hsiao
Unhealthy Workplace Ergonomics as Predictors of Musculoskeletal Pain: Implications for an Ergonomic Intervention, Carnisha M. Gilder
United States v. Lara as a Story of Native Agency, Bethany Berger
Universals and Particulars: A Comment on Women's Human Rights and Religious Marriage Contracts, Carol Weisbrod
“Un Pueblo Tan Dulce”: Diabetes, Depression, and Obesity Syndemics in Puerto Rico, Shir Lerman
Upping the Ante: Collective Litigation in Latin America, Ángel Oquendo
Upregulation of Antibiotic Activity of a Streptomyces sp. Via Co-Cultures with Challenge Pathogens, Anne A. Sung
Uptake and Trophic Transfer for Mercury and Methylmercury at the Base of Marine Food Webs, Kathleen J. Gosnell
Uremia and Periodontitis in Chronic Kidney Disease, Michele A. Holzinger
Use of M-CHAT-R/F-A to Screen for ASD in Albania, Laura A. Brennan
Use of the Heat Stress Score to Predict Preparedness to Run in an Outdoor, Warm Weather Race, Rachel K. Katch
Use of Turkish Verbal Morphology by Children with Primary Language Impairment and their Typically Developing Peers, Treysi Terziyan
Using Behavior Change Plans to Make Wellness an Informed Priority: Health Education Meets General Education, Joanne M. Crossman
Using Digital Stories and iPads to Promote Writing Skills, Writing Self-efficacy, and Motivation to Write among 9th Grade Students, Anthony J. Girasoli
Using LiDAR to Determine Early Successional and Shrubland Structure in Eastern Connecticut, Jacob P. Conshick
Using Mindfulness Practice to Work with Emotions, Deborah Calloway
Using Twitter to Analyze Stock Market and Assist Stock and Options Trading, Yuexin Mao
Utilizing Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells in the Study of Alcohol Use Disorder, Richard Lieberman
Ventriculomegaly in Aging, Injury and Disease, Rebecca Acabchuk PhD
Verwiebe's "3-D" Ice phase diagram reworked, Carl W. David
Videogames and the Brain: An Investigation into Psychopathy and Empathy, Joshua Fishlock 3740769
"Vidya games are for nerds like us": Identity Deployment in the GamerGate Controversy, Matthew J. Rogers
Visions of the Victorian Scientist, Steven C. Mollmann
War, Insurance and Some Problems of Community, Carol Weisbrod
Water, Sugar, and Power: Irrigation in Southern Puerto Rico during the Late Nineteenth Century, Marisol Ramos
Way We Live Now: A Discussion of Contracts and Domestic Arrangements, The, Carol Weisbrod
WCET Analysis for Concurrent Execution of Multiple Applications on Safety Critical Embedded Multicores, Kartik Lakshminarasimhan
What Healthy Coastal Forests and Shorelines Can Teach Us Landscaping, Judy Preston
What is Legal Therapy and What is It Doing in the Curriculum - A View from Contracts, Robert Birmingham
What Is Property's Fourth Estate - Cultural Property and the Fiduciary Ideal, Steven Wilf
What is the Value of Associations, or is It Safe to Row Alone, Darcy Kirk
Who Authors Trademarks, Steven Wilf
Who's Afraid of Functional Claims - Reforming the Patent Law's 112, 6 Jurisprudence, Mark Weston Janis
Wh-Question Comprehension: A Grammatical Deficit in Children with ASD, Manya Jyotishi
Why Climate Law Must Be Federal: The Clash between Commerce Clause Jurisprudence and State Greenhouse Gas Trading Systems, Joseph MacDougald
Why Is There Taylor v. Caldwell - Thre Propositions about Impracticability, Robert Birmingham
Williams v. Lee and the Debate Over Indian Equality, Bethany Berger
With a National Park Next to Its Downtown: Forecasting the Distribution of the Economic Impacts of the Coltsville National Historical Park within Hartford, Connecticut, Dmitriy V. Tarasov
Word and Concept Learning in Poor Comprehenders, Kayleigh Ryherd
Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) Affects the Feeding Ecology of Early Stage Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis) in the Hudson River Estuary, Michael G. Smircich, David L. Strayer, and Eric T. Schultz